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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, D, N, R and S

ACCORDANCESaccordances n. Plural of accordance.
ACCORDANCE n. agreement, also ACCORDANCY.
ARCHDEACONSarchdeacons n. Plural of archdeacon.
ARCHDEACON n. a clergyman having the duty of assisting a diocesan bishop in ceremonial functions or administrative work.
CARDPUNCHEScardpunches n. Plural of cardpunch.
card␣punches n. Plural of card punch.
CARDPUNCH n. a machine which perforates cards to record data.
CLADOCERANScladocerans n. Plural of cladoceran.
CLADOCERAN n. a small crustacean, aka water flea.
CONSECRATEDconsecrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of consecrate.
CONSECRATE v. to induct (a person) into a permanent office with a religious rite.
CONTRADICTScontradicts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of contradict.
CONTRADICT v. to assert the contrary of.
COTRANSDUCEcotransduce v. (Transitive) To transduce along with something else.
COTRANSDUCE v. to transduce jointly.
CRESCENTADEcrescentade n. (Archaic) A religious war for Islam.
CRESCENTADE n. a religious war for Islam.
DISCORDANCEdiscordance n. A state of being discordant; disagreement, inconsistency.
discordance n. Discordance of sounds; dissonance.
discordance n. (Genetics) The presence of a specific genetic trait in only one of a set of clones (or identical twins).
DISCORDANCYdiscordancy n. Discordance.
DISCORDANCY n. the state or an instance of being discordant, also DISCORDANCE.
DISCREPANCEdiscrepance n. Archaic form of discrepancy.
DISCREPANCE n. the state of being discrepant, also DISCREPANCY.
DISCREPANCYdiscrepancy n. An inconsistency between facts or sentiments.
discrepancy n. The state or quality of being discrepant.
DISCREPANCY n. the state of being discrepant, also DISCREPANCE.
DRACUNCULUSdracunculus n. A dragonet, a fish of families Calliomyidae or Draconettidae.
dracunculus n. The Guinea worm (Filaria medinensis, now Dracunculus medinensis).
Dracunculus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Dracunculidae – greatly elongated nematode worms including the Guinea worm.
UNSCRATCHEDunscratched adj. Not scratched.
UNSCRATCHED adj. not scratched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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