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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, D, I and 2L

BACILLICIDEbacillicide n. (Rare) Any material that kills bacilli.
BACILLICIDE n. something which destroys bacteria.
CALENDRICALcalendrical adj. Of, pertaining to, or used by a calendar system.
CALENDRICAL adj. relating to the calendar, also CALENDRIC.
CICADELLIDScicadellids n. Plural of cicadellid.
CICADELLID n. any of a genus of insects including leafhoppers.
CODICILLARYcodicillary adj. Of or pertaining to a codicil.
CODICILLARY adj. relating to a codicil.
COMEDICALLYcomedically adv. In a comedic manner; using comedy.
COMEDIC adv. of or relating to comedy.
CYCLOIDALLYcycloidally adv. In a cycloidal manner.
CYCLOIDAL adv. of or like a cycloid, a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls along a straight line.
CYLINDRICALcylindrical adj. Shaped like a cylinder.
cylindrical adj. (Cartography) Describing a map projection in which meridians are mapped onto vertical lines and parallels…
CYLINDRICAL adj. shaped like a cylinder, also CYLINDRIC.
DECANICALLYDECANAL adv. relating to a dean.
DEICTICALLYdeictically adv. In a deictic way.
DEICTIC adv. relating to the time and place of utterance.
DIALECTICALdialectical adj. Of, or pertaining to dialectic; (in philosophy) logically reasoned through the exchange of opposing ideas.
dialectical adj. Synonym of dialectal (“of, or peculiar to a dialect”).
DIALECTICAL adj. relating to the dialectic, the art of arriving at the truth by disclosing the contradictions in the opponent's argument and overcoming them.
DIPLOCOCCALdiplococcal adj. Relating to bacteria of the genus Diplococcus.
DIPLOCOCCAL adj. of or like a diplococcus, also DIPLOCOCCIC.
DYSCALCULIAdyscalculia n. (Pathology) A learning disability characterized by significantly below average mathematical ability.
DYSCALCULIA n. the inability to calculate correctly, also ACALCULIA.
LOCULICIDALloculicidal adj. (Botany) dehiscent through the middle of the back of each cell; said of capsules.
LOCULICIDAL adj. dehiscing along the back of the carpel.
PECCADILLOSpeccadillos n. Plural of peccadillo.
PECCADILLO n. (Spanish) a slight offence or sin.
PICCADILLOSPICCADILLO n. (Spanish) a traditional Mexican dish of ground meat, tomatoes etc, also PICADILLO, PICKADILLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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