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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, 3C, I, O and R

ACROCENTRICacrocentric adj. (Genetics) (of a chromosome) Having the centromere very near to one end, and thus having a long arm…
acrocentric n. A chromosome that has the centromere very near to one end, and thus has a long arm, and a very short arm.
ACROCENTRIC n. a rod-shaped chromosome.
CACOGASTRICcacogastric adj. (Rare) Troubled with bad digestion.
CACOGASTRIC adj. of or relating to an upset stomach.
CACOGRAPHICcacographic adj. Displaying the properties of bad spelling or bad handwriting or both.
CACOGRAPHIC adj. relating to cacography, bad handwriting or spelling, also CACOGRAPHICAL.
CAPRICCIOSOcapriccioso adv. (Music) capriciously.
CAPRICCIOSO adv. (Italian) in a free and impulsive style.
CARBOCYCLICcarbocyclic adj. (Organic chemistry) describing a ring, all of whose atoms are carbon.
CARBOCYCLIC adj. being or having an organic ring composed of carbon atoms.
CHLORACETICchloracetic adj. Alternative form of chloroacetic.
CHLORACETIC adj. an acid made by chlorinating acetic acid, also CHLOROACETIC.
CICATRICOSEcicatricose adj. (Biology) apparently scarred.
CICATRICOSE adj. like a cicatrix.
COCKATRICEScockatrices n. Plural of cockatrice.
COCKATRICE n. a fabulous serpent whose breath and look were said to be fatal.
COSMOCRATICcosmocratic adj. Relating to cosmocrats or a cosmocrat.
cosmocratic adj. Resembling a cosmocrat.
COSMOCRATIC adj. like a cosmocrat.
CYSTOCARPICCYSTOCARPIC adj. relating to a cystocarp.
LEUCOCRATICleucocratic adj. (Geology, of igneous rock) Light in color, containing at least 90% felsic minerals.
LEUCOCRATIC adj. of igneous rocks, light in colour, due to a low content of iron and magnesium.
MACROCOSMICmacrocosmic adj. Of or pertaining to the macrocosm (universe).
MACROCOSMIC adj. relating to a macrocosm.
MACROCYCLICmacrocyclic adj. (Chemistry, of an organic compound) having a closed ring of more than about twelve atoms.
macrocyclic adj. (Chemistry) of, or relating to a macrocycle.
MACROCYCLIC adj. containing or being a chemical ring that consists usually of 15 or more atoms.
MACROSCOPICmacroscopic adj. Visible to the unassisted eye.
macroscopic adj. (Physics) Having an appreciable mass.
MACROSCOPIC adj. large enough to be visible to the unaided eye.
MICROCOCCALmicrococcal adj. Of, pertaining to, or caused by a micrococcus.
MICROCOCCAL adj. of or like a micrococcus.
MICROCRACKSmicrocracks n. Plural of microcrack.
microcracks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microcrack.
MICROCRACK v. to crack microscopically.
OCHLOCRATICochlocratic adj. Pertaining to ochlocracy.
OCHLOCRATIC adj. relating to ochlocracy, rule by the mob, also OCHLOCRATICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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