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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, B, I, O, 2R and U

ABORTUARIESabortuaries n. Plural of abortuary.
ABORTUARY n. an antiabortion term for an abortion clinic.
ARBOVIRUSESarboviruses n. Plural of arbovirus.
ARBOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses spread by mosquitoes.
ATTRIBUTORSattributors n. Plural of attributor.
ATTRIBUTOR n. one who attributes, also ATTRIBUTER.
BRACHIOSAURbrachiosaur n. Any of several massive, herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs, of the genus Brachiosaurus, from the Jurassic…
BROMOURACILbromouracil n. A brominated derivative of uracil.
BROMOURACIL n. a uracil derivative that is an analog of thymine and pairs readily with adenine and sometimes with guanine.
BURGLARIOUSburglarious adj. Being or resembling a burglar.
BURGLARIOUS adj. (facetious) like a burglar.
CARBURATIONcarburation n. Alternative spelling of carburetion.
CARBURATION n. combination with carbon.
CARBURETIONcarburetion n. The process, as occurs in a carburetor, of mixing fuel with oxygen or air in appropriate proportion for combustion.
CARBURETION n. the process of carburetting.
HARBOURSIDEharbourside n. (British spelling) An area (especially a residential area) near a harbour (often in the form of converted…
harbourside adj. Located on or near a harbour.
Harbourside prop.n. An inner-city district of Bristol, England to the north and south of the Floating Harbour.
LUBRICATORSlubricators n. Plural of lubricator.
LUBRICATOR n. one who, or that which, lubricates.
ORBICULARESorbiculares n. Plural of orbicularis.
ORBICULARIS n. a muscle surrounding an opening.
ORBICULARISorbicularis n. (Anatomy) A muscle surrounding an opening.
ORBICULARIS n. a muscle surrounding an opening.
ORBICULARLYorbicularly adv. In an orbicular fashion.
ORBICULAR adv. spherical.
RHABDOVIRUSrhabdovirus n. Any of the rod-shaped viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae.
RHABDOVIRUS n. a class of virus that includes rabies.
RUBRICATIONrubrication n. A form of calligraphy, in medieval manuscripts, in which added text was coloured in red.
RUBRICATION n. the act of rubricating.
RUBRICATORSrubricators n. Plural of rubricator.
RUBRICATOR n. one who rubricates.
SABURRATIONsaburration n. A sand bath (immersion of the body in hot sand).
SABURRATION n. the application of hot sand as medical treatment.
SCROBICULARscrobicular adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to, or surrounding, scrobiculae.
SCROBICULAR adj. relating to or surrounded by scrobicules.
SUBARRATIONsubarration n. The ancient custom of betrothing by the bestowal, on the part of the man, of marriage gifts or tokens…
SUBARRATION n. an ancient form of betrothal in which pledges of money, rings, etc. were given by the man to the woman, also SUBARRHATION.
SUBORDINARYsubordinary n. (Heraldry) Any device that is less common than the normal ordinaries.
SUBORDINARY n. any of several heraldic bearings of secondary importance to the ordinary, such as the lozenge and the orle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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