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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, H, 2I, N and R

AIRBRUSHINGairbrushing v. Present participle of airbrush.
air-brushing v. Present participle of air-brush.
air␣brushing v. Present participle of air brush.
BIOGRAPHINGbiographing v. Present participle of biograph.
BIOGRAPH v. to write a biography of.
BRACHIATINGbrachiating adj. That moves by the use of limbs; especially by swinging through the trees using the arms.
brachiating v. Present participle of brachiate.
BRACHIATE v. to progress by swinging hand over hand, like a gibbon.
BRACHIATIONbrachiation n. (Zoology) Movement by swinging the arms from one hold to the next.
BRACHIATION n. the act of swinging by one's arms from place to place.
BRAHMINISMSBRAHMINISM n. the religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism, also BRAHMANISM.
BRAHMINISTSBrahminists n. Plural of Brahminist.
BRAHMINIST n. a practitioner of brahmanism, also BRAHMANIST.
BRANDISHINGbrandishing v. Present participle of brandish.
brandishing n. The action of the verb to brandish.
BRANDISH v. to move or wave, esp. a weapon.
BRATTISHINGbrattishing n. A brattice.
brattishing n. (Architecture) Carved openwork, as of a shrine, battlement, or parapet.
brattishing v. Present participle of brattish.
HAIRBRAINEDhairbrained adj. Misspelling of harebrained.
HAIRBRAINED adj. crazy, crackpot, also HAREBRAINED.
HIBERNATINGhibernating v. Present participle of hibernate.
HIBERNATE v. to pass the winter in a dormant state.
HIBERNATIONhibernation n. (Biology, sleep) A state of minimum power consumption, inactivity and metabolic depression in some animals…
hibernation n. (Biology, sleep, space science) A hypothetical state of minimum power consumption, inactivity and metabolic…
hibernation n. (Computing) A standby state which conserves power by writing the contents of the memory to disk and…
INBREATHINGinbreathing v. Present participle of inbreathe.
inbreathing n. A breathing in; an inhalation.
INBREATHE v. to infuse by breathing; to inspire.
INHABITRESSinhabitress n. (Archaic) A female inhabitant.
INHABITRESS n. (archaic) a female inhabitant.
INHERITABLEinheritable adj. That can be inherited.
inheritable adj. Capable of taking by inheritance, or of receiving by descent; capable of succeeding to, as an heir.
INHERITABLE adj. capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance, also HERITABLE.
INHERITABLYinheritably adv. By inheritance.
INHERITABLE adv. capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance, also HERITABLE.
LABYRINTHIClabyrinthic adj. Labyrinthine.
REINHABITEDreinhabited v. Simple past tense and past participle of reinhabit.
REINHABIT v. to inhabit again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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