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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, B, G, L, N, R and U

ANTIBURGLARantiburglar adj. Opposing or countering burglars.
ANTIBURGLAR adj. intended to prevent burglary.
BELABOURINGbelabouring v. Present participle of belabour.
BELABOUR v. to buffet, beat, also BELABOR.
BRUTALISINGbrutalising v. (Britain) present participle of brutalise.
BRUTALISE v. to make brutal, also BRUTALIZE.
BRUTALIZINGbrutalizing adj. Cruel, harsh, or otherwise insensitive.
brutalizing v. Present participle of brutalize.
BRUTALIZE v. to make brutal, also BRUTALISE.
GABERLUNZIEgaberlunzie n. (Scotland, historical) A licensed beggar.
gaberlunzie n. (Scotland, historical) A pouch carried by a strolling beggar.
GABERLUNZIE n. (Scots) a wandering beggar or a harmless hobo.
GUBERNACULAgubernacula n. Plural of gubernaculum.
GUBERNACULUM n. in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
LABOURINGLYlabouringly adv. With labour; strenuously.
LABOURING adv. LABOUR, to work, also LABOR.
LUBRICATINGlubricating v. Present participle of lubricate.
lubricating adj. That lubricates.
LUBRICATE v. to make smooth or slippery.
LUCUBRATINGlucubrating v. Present participle of lucubrate.
LUCUBRATE v. to study by lamplight; to discourse learnedly or pedantically.
OUTBRAWLINGoutbrawling v. Present participle of outbrawl.
OUTBRAWL v. to surpass in brawling.
PARBUCKLINGparbuckling v. Present participle of parbuckle.
PARBUCKLE v. to raise or lower (a cask, gun, etc.) with a parbuckle, a sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object.
SUBMARGINALsubmarginal adj. Less than, or worse than, marginal. Not meeting even the minimum standard of quality.
submarginal adj. (Anatomy, zoology) Below a margin.
SUBMARGINAL adj. adjacent to a margin or a marginal part or structure.
SUBREGIONALsubregional adj. Of or pertaining to a subregion.
subregional n. (Sports) A tournament, especially a qualifier, held below the regional level.
SUBREGIONAL adj. relating to a subregion.
TRIBULATINGtribulating v. Present participle of tribulate.
TRIBULATE v. to cause to endure tribulation.
UMBRELLAINGumbrellaing v. Present participle of umbrella.
UMBRELLA v. to provide with a portable shelter against rain or sun.
UNAGREEABLEunagreeable adj. Disagreeable; unpleasant.
UNAGREEABLE adj. not agreeable.
UNGRASPABLEungraspable adj. Not able to be reached or grasped.
ungraspable adj. Not able to be remembered or comprehended.
UNGRASPABLE adj. not capable of being grasped.
UNIGNORABLEunignorable adj. That cannot be ignored.
UNIGNORABLE adj. not capable of being ignored.
UNIGNORABLYunignorably adv. In an unignorable manner.
UNLABOURINGunlabouring adj. Not engaging in labour.
UNLABOURING adj. not labouring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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