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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, B, F, I, L, S and U

BIFARIOUSLYbifariously adv. In a bifarious manner.
BIFARIOUS adv. organized in two rows.
BUFFALOFISHbuffalo␣fish n. Any of several North American freshwater sucker fishes of the genus Ictiobus, similar to carp but having…
BUFFALOFISH n. a fish of the Mississippi valley.
BULLMASTIFFbullmastiff n. Alternative letter-case form of Bullmastiff.
Bullmastiff n. A breed of very large mastiff originally bred to immobilize poachers.
BULLMASTIFF n. a breed of dog.
BUMBAILIFFSbumbailiffs n. Plural of bumbailiff.
BUMBAILIFF n. a bailiff who comes behind to make arrests.
FLORIBUNDASfloribundas n. Plural of floribunda.
FLORIBUNDA n. a plant whose flowers grow in clusters.
FUNAMBULISMfunambulism n. The art of walking on a tightrope or a slack-rope.
FUNAMBULISM n. tightrope walking.
FUNAMBULISTfunambulist n. A tightrope walker or a similar performer on a slack rope.
FUNAMBULIST n. a tightrope walker.
INFIBULATESinfibulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of infibulate.
INFIBULATE v. to fasten with a clasp.
JUSTIFIABLEjustifiable adj. That can be justified.
JUSTIFIABLE adj. that can be justified.
JUSTIFIABLYjustifiably adv. In a justifiable manner; with justification.
JUSTIFIABLE adv. that can be justified.
SUBCLASSIFYsubclassify v. (Transitive) To classify into a subclass.
SUBCLASSIFY v. to group into subclasses.
SUBFAMILIESsubfamilies n. Plural of subfamily.
SUBFAMILY n. a taxonomic division of a family, of one or more genera.
SUBMANIFOLDsubmanifold n. (Topology) A manifold which is a subset of another, so that the inclusion function is an embedding or…
SUBMANIFOLD n. in mathematics, a subset of a manifold which itself has the properties of a manifold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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