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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, B, E, M, 2O and S

AMBOCEPTORSamboceptors n. Plural of amboceptor.
AMBOCEPTOR n. in immunization, an antibody acting as a double receptor.
AMETABOLOUSametabolous adj. Alternative form of ametabolic.
AMETABOLOUS adj. of insects, showing little or no metamorphosis, also AMETABOLIC.
AMOEBOCYTESamoebocytes n. Plural of amoebocyte.
amœbocytes n. Plural of amœbocyte.
AMOEBOCYTE n. a cell, like a leukocyte, having amoeboid form, also AMEBOCYTE.
AUTOMOBILESautomobiles n. Plural of automobile.
automobiles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of automobile.
AUTOMOBILE n. a usually four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passenger transportation.
BACKROOMERSSorry, definition not available.
BAMBOOZLERSbamboozlers n. Plural of bamboozler.
BAMBOOZLER n. one who bamboozles, deceives by underhanded methods.
BLOODSTREAMbloodstream n. The flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal.
blood␣stream n. Alternative form of bloodstream.
BLOODSTREAM n. the flowing blood in a circulatory system.
BOOKMARKERSbookmarkers n. Plural of bookmarker.
BOOKMARKER n. a marker for indicating the reader's current place, also BOOKMARK.
COMPOSTABLEcompostable adj. Suitable for compost.
compostable n. That which is suitable for compost.
COMPOSTABLE adj. that can be composted.
MACROBIOTESmacrobiotes n. Plural of macrobiote.
MACROBIOTE n. a long-lived organism.
MARBLEWOODSMARBLEWOOD n. a Malaysian tree; the distinctively marked wood of this tree, having black bands on a lighter background.
MARROWBONESmarrowbones n. Plural of marrowbone.
MARROWBONE n. a bone containing marrow; in plural, the knees.
METABOLOMESmetabolomes n. Plural of metabolome.
METABOLOME n. the quantitative complement of all the low molecular weight metabolites present in a particular physiological or developmental state.
MOBOCRACIESmobocracies n. Plural of mobocracy.
MOBOCRACY n. government by mobs or crowds.
SMOKEBOARDSsmoke␣boards n. Plural of smoke board.
SMOKEBOARD n. a board suspended in front of a fireplace to prevent the smoke coming out into the room.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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