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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, B, E, 2L, O and P

BOILERPLATEboilerplate n. A sheet of copper or steel used in the construction of a boiler.
boilerplate n. (UK) The rating plate or nameplate required to be affixed to a boiler by the Boiler Explosions Act (1882).
boilerplate n. A plate attached to industrial machinery, identifying information such as manufacturer, model number…
COLLAPSABLEcollapsable adj. Alternative spelling of collapsible.
COLLAPSABLE adj. that can be collapsed, also COLLAPSIBLE.
COLLAPSIBLEcollapsible adj. That can be collapsed.
collapsible n. Any object that can be collapsed to save space.
COLLAPSIBLE adj. that can be collapsed, also COLLAPSABLE.
COMPELLABLEcompellable adj. Capable of being compelled or constrained.
COMPELLABLE adj. that can be compelled.
COMPELLABLYcompellably adv. By compulsion.
COMPELLABLE adv. that can be compelled.
COMPLETABLEcompletable adj. That can be completed.
completable adj. (Mathematics, of a partial algebra) That can be expanded to a total algebra.
COMPLETABLE adj. that can be completed.
DEVELOPABLEdevelopable adj. Suitable for development, often specifically for construction.
developable adj. (Photography, of a latent image) Which can be developed into a visible image.
developable adj. (Geometry, of a surface) Described by a moving right line, and such that consecutive positions of the…
EMPLOYABLESemployables n. Plural of employable.
EMPLOYABLE n. one who is employable.
EXPLOITABLEexploitable adj. Able to be exploited, especially commercially.
exploitable adj. Easily fooled; credulous.
exploitable n. A person or thing that can be exploited.
POLARISABLEpolarisable adj. Alternative spelling of polarizable.
POLARISABLE adj. that can be polarised, also POLARIZABLE.
POLARIZABLEpolarizable adj. Able to be polarized.
POLARIZABLE adj. that can be polarized, also POLARISABLE.
PORTABELLASportabellas n. Plural of portabella.
PORTABELLA n. a variety of button mushroom, also PORTABELLO, PORTOBELLO.
PORTABELLOSportabellos n. Plural of portabello.
PORTABELLO n. a variety of button mushroom, also PORTABELLA, PORTOBELLO.
PORTOBELLASSorry, definition not available.
PROLONGABLEprolongable adj. Capable of being prolonged, extended, or lengthened.
PROLONGABLE adj. that can be prolonged.
PYROLYSABLEpyrolysable adj. Alternative form of pyrolyzable.
PYROLYSABLE adj. that can be pyrolysed, also PYROLYZABLE.
PYROLYZABLEpyrolyzable adj. Alternative form of pyrolizable.
PYROLYZABLE adj. that can be pyrolysed, also PYROLYSABLE.
TEMPOLABILEtempolabile adj. Subject to change over time.
TEMPOLABILE adj. in chemistry, tending to change with time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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