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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, E, I, L, U and V

ABSOLUTIVESabsolutives n. Plural of absolutive.
ABSOLUTIVE n. a grammatical case.
BEHAVIOURALbehavioural adj. (British spelling) Of or pertaining to behaviour.
BEHAVIOURAL adj. relating to behaviour, also BEHAVIORAL.
CRUCIVERBALcruciverbal adj. Relating to crossword puzzles.
CRUCIVERBAL adj. related to crosswords.
LUBRICATIVElubricative adj. Assisting, or relating to, lubrication.
LUBRICATIVE adj. serving to lubricate.
SUBINTERVALsubinterval n. Any of several smaller intervals into which a larger one is divided.
SUBINTERVAL n. an interval that is a subdivision or a subset of an interval.
SUBVERTICALsubvertical adj. Partly or not quite vertical.
SUBVERTICAL adj. below the vertical.
SUBVOCALISESUBVOCALISE v. to say below the breath, also SUBVOCALIZE.
SUBVOCALIZEsubvocalize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To form (words or statements) in thought and express them inwardly without…
SUBVOCALIZE v. to say below the breath, also SUBVOCALISE.
UNADVISABLEunadvisable adj. Inadvisable.
unadvisable adj. (Archaic) Unwilling to take advice.
unadvisable adj. (Archaic) Imprudent.
UNAVAILABLEunavailable adj. (Obsolete) Unavailing; ineffective.
unavailable adj. Not available.
unavailable n. (US, history) A communist who operated underground and was therefore not available for a political leadership…
UNAVERTIBLEunavertible adj. That cannot be averted.
UNAVERTIBLE adj. that cannot be averted, also UNAVERTABLE.
UNAVOIDABLEunavoidable adj. Impossible to avoid; bound to happen.
unavoidable adj. (Law) Not voidable; incapable of being made null or void.
unavoidable n. Something that cannot be avoided.
UNDIVIDABLEundividable adj. Not dividable.
UNDIVIDABLE adj. that cannot be divided.
UNDRIVEABLEundriveable adj. Alternative form of undrivable.
UNDRIVEABLE adj. that cannot be driven.
UNNAVIGABLEunnavigable adj. Not navigable. Difficult or impossible to navigate.
UNNAVIGABLE adj. not navigable.
UNVISITABLEunvisitable adj. Not visitable; that cannot be visited.
unvisitable adj. (Obsolete) Unsuitable for visiting.
UNVISITABLE adj. that cannot be visited.
VITUPERABLEvituperable adj. Liable to, or deserving, vituperation or severe censure.
VITUPERABLE adj. deserving vituperation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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