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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, E, G, 2L and R

ALGEBRAICALalgebraical adj. Pertaining to algebra or its laws.
algebraical adj. (Mathematics) Requiring a finite number of algebraic operations; the opposite of transcendental.
ALGEBRAICAL adj. relating to algebra, also ALGEBRAIC.
BALLYRAGGEDballyragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of ballyrag.
BALLYRAG v. to overawe; to maltreat by jeering at or playing practical jokes on.
BELLHANGERSBELLHANGER n. a person who hangs and repairs bells.
BELLIGERATIbelligerati n. Literary people, authors — literati — who promote wars of aggression.
BELLIGERATI n. members of the intelligentsia in favour of war.
BETHRALLINGbethralling v. Present participle of bethrall.
BETHRALL v. (Spenser) to enslave.
BULLYRAGGEDbullyragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of bullyrag.
BULLYRAG v. to intimidate by bullying.
DEFLAGRABLEdeflagrable adj. (Chemistry, archaic) Burning with a sudden and sparkling combustion; slightly explosive; liable to snap…
DEFLAGRABLE adj. which deflagrates; deflagrating readily.
ENLARGEABLEenlargeable adj. Capable of being enlarged.
ENLARGEABLE adj. that can be enlarged.
FIREBALLINGfireballing v. Present participle of fireball.
fireballing adj. (Baseball) Tending to pitch fastballs.
FIREBALLING adj. relating to the delivery of fireballs, fast balls in baseball.
GALLBLADDERgallbladder n. Alternative spelling of gall bladder.
gall␣bladder n. (Anatomy) A pear-shaped organ that stores bile from the liver, until the body needs it for the digestion…
GALLBLADDER n. a membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored.
GLASSBLOWERglassblower n. A person skilled in the art of glassblowing.
GLASSBLOWER n. one who blows glass.
GLORIFIABLEglorifiable adj. Able to be glorified.
GLORIFIABLE adj. that can be glorified.
GREASEBALLSgreaseballs n. Plural of greaseball.
GREASEBALL n. (offensive US slang) a person of Latin racial origin.
PROLONGABLEprolongable adj. Capable of being prolonged, extended, or lengthened.
PROLONGABLE adj. that can be prolonged.
RELABELLINGrelabelling v. Present participle of relabel.
relabelling n. An act or instance of giving something a different label.
RELABEL v. to label again.
RELEGATABLERELEGATABLE adj. that can be relegated, also RELEGABLE.
UMBRELLAINGumbrellaing v. Present participle of umbrella.
UMBRELLA v. to provide with a portable shelter against rain or sun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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