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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 2E, O, S and V

BROADLEAVESbroadleaves n. Plural of broadleaf.
broad-leaves n. Plural of broad-leaf.
BROADLEAF n. a tree having broad leaves, specifically having leaves that are not needles.
CONSERVABLEconservable adj. Capable of being preserved from decay or injury.
CONSERVABLE adj. that can be conserved.
CONVERSABLEconversable adj. (Of people) Able and inclined to engage in conversation.
conversable adj. (Of people, obsolete) Able to be conversed with.
conversable adj. (Of things, obsolete) Pertaining to, suited for or exhibiting conversation.
IMMOVEABLESimmoveables n. Plural of immoveable.
IMMOVEABLE n. something that cannot be moved.
LOVABLENESSlovableness n. The property that makes someone or something lovable.
LOVABLENESS n. the state of being lovable, also LOVEABLENESS.
MOVABLENESSmovableness n. The quality or state of being movable; mobility.
MOVABLENESS n. the state of being movable, also MOVEABLENESS.
OBSERVABLESobservables n. Plural of observable.
OBSERVABLE n. something that can be observed.
OBSERVANCESobservances n. Plural of observance.
OBSERVANCE n. the keeping of a customary practice, rite, or ceremony, also OBSERVANCY.
OBSERVATIVEobservative adj. Observant; watchful.
OBSERVATIVE adj. observant, observational.
VERGEBOARDSvergeboards n. Plural of vergeboard.
VERGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable, aka bargeboard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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