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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 2E, I, N and P

BECARPETINGbecarpeting v. Present participle of becarpet.
BECARPET v. to cover with a carpet.
BEDIAPERINGbediapering v. Present participle of bediaper.
BEDIAPER v. to put a nappy on.
BEHAPPENINGbehappening v. Present participle of behappen.
BEHAPPEN v. (Spenser) to happen to.
BENEPLACITOBENEPLACITO interj. (Italian) good pleasure; by your leave.
BESPREADINGbespreading v. Present participle of bespread.
BESPREAD v. to spread over.
DISPENSABLEdispensable adj. Able to be done without; able to be expended; easily replaced.
dispensable adj. Capable of being dispensed; distributable.
dispensable adj. (Of a law, rule, vow, etc.) Subject to dispensation; possible to relax, exempt from, or annul.
EXPLAINABLEexplainable adj. Able to be explained or understood.
EXPLAINABLE adj. that can be explained.
HEBEPHRENIAhebephrenia n. (Obsolete) A type of mental disorder occurring during puberty characterized by silly behavior and inappropriate…
hebephrenia n. (Clinical psychology) A form of schizophrenia characterised by inappropriate behaviour and emotional responses.
HEBEPHRENIA n. a form of dementia occurring at puberty.
IMPREGNABLEimpregnable adj. (Military) Of a fortress or other fortified place: able to withstand all attacks; impenetrable, inconquerable…
impregnable adj. (Figuratively) Too strong to be defeated or overcome; invincible.
impregnable adj. Capable of being impregnated; impregnatable.
INESCAPABLEinescapable adj. Impossible (unable) to avoid or escape; not escapable.
INESCAPABLE adj. that cannot be escaped.
INSEPARABLEinseparable adj. Unable to be separated; bound together permanently.
inseparable n. Something that cannot be separated from something else.
INSEPARABLE adj. that cannot be separated, also UNSEPARABLE.
INSPECTABLEinspectable adj. Able to be inspected.
INSPECTABLE adj. that can be inspected.
INSUPERABLEinsuperable adj. Impossible to achieve or overcome or be negotiated.
insuperable adj. Overwhelming or insurmountable.
INSUPERABLE adj. that cannot be overcome.
PENSIONABLEpensionable adj. That qualifies to receive a pension.
PENSIONABLE adj. of, relating to, qualified for, or qualifying for a pension.
PLEBEIANISEplebeianise v. Alternative form of plebeianize.
PLEBEIANISE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANIZE.
PLEBEIANISMplebeianism n. The quality or state of being plebeian.
PLEBEIANISM n. the state of being plebeian.
PLEBEIANIZEplebeianize v. (Transitive) To make plebeian, common, or vulgar.
PLEBEIANIZE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANISE.
PLIABLENESSpliableness n. The state of being pliable; pliability.
PLIABLENESS n. the quality of being pliable.
PREOBTAINEDpreobtained v. Simple past tense and past participle of preobtain.
PREOBTAIN v. to obtain in advance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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