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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 3E and 2T

BANNERETTESbannerettes n. Plural of bannerette.
BANNERETTE n. a small banner.
BATTLEPIECEbattle␣piece n. (Art) A painting, or a musical composition, representing a battle.
BATTLEPIECE n. a painting, relief, mosaic, etc., depicting a battle, usually commemorating an actual event.
BEETMASTERSBEETMASTER n. (Scots) a help in need, also BEETMISTER.
BESCATTEREDbescattered v. Simple past tense and past participle of bescatter.
BESCATTER v. (archaic) to scatter over.
BESPATTEREDbespattered v. Simple past tense and past participle of bespatter.
bespattered adj. Covered in spots of splashed liquid.
BESPATTER v. to soil by spattering.
CELEBUTANTEcelebutante n. A young, usually female socialite, especially one of limited accomplishment, who is the focus of sufficient…
CELEBUTANTE n. a young woman from a wealthy background who becomes a celebrity.
DEBATEMENTSdebatements n. Plural of debatement.
DEBATEMENT n. (obsolete) controversy.
ENTABLEMENTentablement n. (Architecture) entablature.
ENTABLEMENT n. the platform of a pedestal, supporting a statue.
ENTREATABLEentreatable adj. That may be entreated.
ENTREATABLE adj. (obsolete) that can be entreated.
HARTEBEESTShartebeests n. Plural of hartebeest.
HARTEBEEST n. (South African) a large South African antelope, also HARTBEES, HARTBEEST.
OBTEMPERATEobtemperate v. (Obsolete) To obey or to conform to the prescribed rule or law.
OBTEMPERATE v. to obey (a judgment or decree), also OBTEMPER.
REBATEMENTSrebatements n. Plural of rebatement.
REBATEMENT n. abatement; reduction; discount.
REGRETTABLEregrettable adj. Able to be regretted, especially deserving of regret.
REGRETTABLE adj. to be regretted.
STEREOBATESstereobates n. Plural of stereobate.
STEREOBATE n. a substructure foundation.
TEETERBOARDteeterboard n. A seesaw; teetertotter.
teeterboard n. A similar board used by acrobats that sends a human into the air when another human jumps onto the opposite end.
TEETERBOARD n. a seesaw; a board which throws one into the air when someone else jumps on the other end of it.
VERTEBRATEDvertebrated adj. Vertebrate; having vertebrae.
VERTEBRATED adj. having a backbone.
VERTEBRATESvertebrates n. Plural of vertebrate.
VERTEBRATE n. a backboned animal, one belonging to the subphylum Vertebrata, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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