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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 7 eleven-letter words containing A, B, D, M, N, O and U

ADUMBRATIONadumbration n. (Uncountable) The state of being in shadow or shade; (countable) a shadow.
adumbration n. (Countable) A faint sketch; a brief representation, an outline.
adumbration n. (Countable, uncountable, figuratively) A rough or symbolic representation; a vague indication of what…
ALBUMINOIDSalbuminoids n. Plural of albuminoid.
ALBUMINOID n. an old name for protein in general; now any one of a class of substances including keratin.
BADMOUTHINGbadmouthing v. Present participle of badmouth.
bad-mouthing v. Present participle of bad-mouth.
BADMOUTH v. to abuse.
DEMOUNTABLEdemountable adj. Able to be removed from its mount; designed to be dismantled.
demountable adj. (Computing, of a hard drive, dated) Designed to be removed from the read mechanism.
demountable n. (Australia) A temporary and portable building, especially a portable classroom in a school.
IMPOUNDABLEimpoundable adj. Capable of being impounded.
IMPOUNDABLE adj. that can be impounded.
SUBDOMINANTsubdominant n. (Music) The fourth tone of a scale.
subdominant n. (Music) The triad built on the subdominant tone.
SUBDOMINANT n. the fourth degree of the diatonic scale, e.g. F in the scale of C.
SUBMANIFOLDsubmanifold n. (Topology) A manifold which is a subset of another, so that the inclusion function is an embedding or…
SUBMANIFOLD n. in mathematics, a subset of a manifold which itself has the properties of a manifold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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