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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, B, D, L, M, N and O

ABDOMINALLYabdominally adv. In the area of the abdomen.
ABDOMINAL adv. relating to the abdomen.
ALBUMINOIDSalbuminoids n. Plural of albuminoid.
ALBUMINOID n. an old name for protein in general; now any one of a class of substances including keratin.
BOTTOMLANDSbottomlands n. Plural of bottomland.
BOTTOMLAND n. (US) alluvial deposits.
COMMANDABLEcommandable adj. Capable of being commanded.
COMMANDABLE adj. able to be commanded.
COMMENDABLEcommendable adj. Worthy of commendation; deserving praise; admirable, creditable, or meritorious.
COMMENDABLE adj. that can be commended.
COMMENDABLYcommendably adv. In a commendable manner.
COMMENDABLE adv. that can be commended.
CONDEMNABLEcondemnable adj. Deserving of condemnation.
CONDEMNABLE adj. able to be condemned.
CONDEMNABLYcondemnably adv. In a condemnable manner.
CONDEMNABLE adv. able to be condemned.
DEMOUNTABLEdemountable adj. Able to be removed from its mount; designed to be dismantled.
demountable adj. (Computing, of a hard drive, dated) Designed to be removed from the read mechanism.
demountable n. (Australia) A temporary and portable building, especially a portable classroom in a school.
DENOMINABLEdenominable adj. Capable of being denominated or named.
DENOMINABLE adj. capable of being denominated.
IMPOUNDABLEimpoundable adj. Capable of being impounded.
IMPOUNDABLE adj. that can be impounded.
INDOMITABLEindomitable adj. Incapable of being subdued, overcome, or vanquished.
INDOMITABLE adj. not to be overcome, unconquerable.
INDOMITABLYindomitably adv. In an indomitable manner.
INDOMITABLE adv. not to be overcome, unconquerable.
SUBMANIFOLDsubmanifold n. (Topology) A manifold which is a subset of another, so that the inclusion function is an embedding or…
SUBMANIFOLD n. in mathematics, a subset of a manifold which itself has the properties of a manifold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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