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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, D, I, 2S and U

ABSOLUTISEDabsolutised v. Simple past tense and past participle of absolutise.
ABSOLUTISE v. to make absolute, also ABSOLUTIZE.
ABSURDITIESabsurdities n. Plural of absurdity.
ABSURDITY n. the quality of being absurd.
ANTISUBSIDYantisubsidy adj. (Politics) Opposing a subsidy.
ANTISUBSIDY adj. opposed to subsidy.
AUDIBLENESSaudibleness n. The state or quality of being audible.
AUDIBLENESS n. the state of being audible.
BUMPSADAISYbumpsadaisy interj. Used to accompany, or to apologise for, a bumping motion.
BUMPSADAISY interj. an exclamation on bumping into someone or something, or to a child on falling.
DISBURSABLEDISBURSABLE adj. that can be disbursed.
DISCUSSABLEdiscussable adj. That can be discussed.
DISCUSSABLE adj. that can be discussed, also DISCUSSIBLE.
DISGUISABLEdisguisable adj. Capable of being disguised.
DISGUISABLE adj. that can be disguised.
DISSUADABLEdissuadable adj. That can be dissuaded.
DISSUADABLE adj. that can be dissuaded.
DISTURBANTSdisturbants n. Plural of disturbant.
DISTURBANT n. that which disturbs.
HUSBANDRIEShusbandries n. Plural of husbandry.
HUSBANDRY n. the business of a farmer; economical management.
SUBACIDNESSSUBACIDNESS n. the state of being subacid.
SUBAHDARIESsubahdaries n. Plural of subahdary.
SUBAHDARY n. the office of a subahdar.
SUBDIALECTSsubdialects n. Plural of subdialect.
SUBDIALECT n. a subdivision of a dialect.
SUBHEADINGSsubheadings n. Plural of subheading.
SUBHEADING n. an inferior heading, also SUBHEAD.
SUBMEDIANTSsubmediants n. Plural of submediant.
SUBMEDIANT n. the sixth degree of the diatonic scale, e.g. A in the scale of C major.
UNBIASSEDLYunbiassedly adv. Alternative form of unbiasedly.
UNBIASSED adv. UNBIAS, to free from bias.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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