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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, D, E, 2N and O

ABANDONEDLYabandonedly adv. With abandon, without restraint.
ABANDONED adv. ABANDON, to leave or give up completely.
ABANDONMENTabandonment n. The act of abandoning, or the state of being abandoned; total desertion; relinquishment.
abandonment n. The voluntary leaving of a person to whom one is bound by a special relation, as a wife, husband or child; desertion.
abandonment n. An abandoned building or structure.
ABANDONWAREabandonware n. (Computing, chiefly video games) A software product that is no longer updated or maintained, or whose…
ABANDONWARE n. computer software that is no longer sold or supported by the publisher.
ABSCONDENCEabscondence n. (Rare) The act of absconding, or illicitly escaping; hiding of a fugitive.
ABSCONDENCE n. the act of absconding.
BELLADONNASbelladonnas n. Plural of belladonna.
BELLADONNA n. (Italian) a herbaceous plant, very poisonous, with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries.
BONDSERVANTbondservant n. An indentured servant.
BONDSERVANT n. a slave.
CARBONNADEScarbonnades n. Plural of carbonnade.
CARBONNADE n. (Spanish) flesh, fowl, etc., cut across, seasoned, and broiled on coals, also CARBONADE, CARBONADO.
CONDEMNABLEcondemnable adj. Deserving of condemnation.
CONDEMNABLE adj. able to be condemned.
CONDEMNABLYcondemnably adv. In a condemnable manner.
CONDEMNABLE adv. able to be condemned.
CONDENSABLEcondensable adj. That is able to be condensed; that can undergo condensation.
CONDENSABLE adj. capable of being condensed, also CONDENSIBLE.
DENOMINABLEdenominable adj. Capable of being denominated or named.
DENOMINABLE adj. capable of being denominated.
GABIONNADESgabionnades n. Plural of gabionnade.
GABIONNADE n. a traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire, also GABIONADE.
NONDIABETICnondiabetic adj. (Medicine) Not suffering from diabetes.
nondiabetic n. A person who does not have diabetes.
NONDIABETIC adj. not diabetic.
NONDISABLEDnondisabled adj. (Of people) Not disabled.
NONDISABLED adj. not disabled.
NONDURABLESnondurables n. Plural of nondurable.
NONDURABLE n. goods that are not durable.
UNSOUNDABLEunsoundable adj. Impossible to sound; whose depth cannot be gauged.
UNSOUNDABLE adj. not soundable.
UNWOUNDABLEunwoundable adj. Incapable of being wounded.
UNWOUNDABLE adj. not woundable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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