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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, L, O, T and Y

ABIOTICALLYabiotically adv. In an abiotic manner; in the absence of life.
ABIOTIC adv. devoid of or inimical to life.
ACCOUNTABLYaccountably adv. In an accountable manner.
ACCOUNTABLE adv. that can be held to account, also ACCOMPTABLE.
BIOCATALYSTbiocatalyst n. (Biochemistry) A biochemical catalyst; normally an enzyme.
BIOCATALYST n. a substance, e.g. an enzyme, that produces or speeds up a biochemical reaction.
BLASTOCHYLEblastochyle n. (Anatomy) The clear or shiny colorless fluid in the blastodermic vesicles.
BLASTOCHYLE n. the fluid in a blastocoel.
BLASTOCYSTSblastocysts n. Plural of blastocyst.
BLASTOCYST n. a mammalian blastula in which some differentiation of cells has occurred.
BOTANICALLYbotanically adv. In a botanical manner.
botanically adv. Regarding botany.
BOTANICAL adv. related to botany.
CARBONYLATEcarbonylate v. (Chemistry, transitive) To introduce a carbonyl group, or the elements of carbon monoxide, into a molecule.
CARBONYLATE v. to introduce the carbonyl group into.
CARBOXYLATEcarboxylate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of a carboxylic acid.
carboxylate v. (Organic chemistry) To form a carboxyl group by introduction of carbon dioxide.
carboxylate v. (Organic chemistry) To react with a carboxylic acid.
CELEBRATORYcelebratory adj. Having the manner of, or forming part of, a celebration.
CELEBRATORY adj. serving to celebrate.
COILABILITYcoilability n. The quality of being coilable.
COILABILITY n. the ability to form coils.
COMBATIVELYcombatively adv. In a combative way.
COMBATIVE adv. inclined to combat.
COMFORTABLYcomfortably adv. In a comfortable manner.
comfortably adv. Easily; without effort or difficulty.
COMFORTABLE adv. affording comfort.
CONTESTABLYcontestably adv. Such that it can be contested or challenged.
CONTESTABLE adv. able to be contested.
HYPOBLASTIChypoblastic adj. Of, or relating to the hypoblast.
HYPOBLASTIC adj. relating to the hypoblast, the inner or lower layer of the blastoderm.
ROBOTICALLYrobotically adv. In a robotic (or robotical) fashion.
ROBOTIC adv. relating to a robot.
SOCIABILITYsociability n. The skill, tendency or property of being sociable or social, of interacting well with others.
SOCIABILITY n. the state of being sociable.
SYMBIOTICALSYMBIOTICAL adj. relating to symbiosis, also SYMBIOTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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