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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, L, 2O and R

BACHELORDOMbachelordom n. The state of a male who is a bachelor, i.e. unwed.
BACHELORDOM n. the state of being a bachelor.
BLASTOPORICblastoporic adj. (Biology) Pertaining to a blastopore; blastoporal.
BLASTOPORIC adj. relating to a blastospore.
BLOCKBOARDSblockboards n. Plural of blockboard.
BLOCKBOARD n. plywood board made of veneer enclosing thin strips of wood.
BROADCLOTHSbroadcloths n. Plural of broadcloth.
BROADCLOTH n. dense twilled wool or worsted fabric.
BROMOURACILbromouracil n. A brominated derivative of uracil.
BROMOURACIL n. a uracil derivative that is an analog of thymine and pairs readily with adenine and sometimes with guanine.
BRONCHIOLARbronchiolar adj. Of or pertaining to the bronchioles of the lung.
BRONCHIOLAR adj. like a bronchiole.
BRYOLOGICALbryological adj. Of or pertaining to bryology.
BRYOLOGICAL adj. relating to the study of mosses and liverworts.
CHALKBROODSSorry, definition not available.
COLLABORATEcollaborate v. To work together with others to achieve a common goal.
collaborate v. To voluntarily cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one’s country.
COLLABORATE v. to work jointly with others or together esp. in an intellectual endeavor.
COLLARBONEScollarbones n. Plural of collarbone.
collar-bones n. Plural of collar-bone.
collar␣bones n. Plural of collar bone.
COMFORTABLEcomfortable adj. Providing physical comfort and ease; agreeable.
comfortable adj. In a state of comfort and content.
comfortable adj. Confident; relaxed; not worried about someone or something.
COMFORTABLYcomfortably adv. In a comfortable manner.
comfortably adv. Easily; without effort or difficulty.
COMFORTABLE adv. affording comfort.
CONFORMABLEconformable adj. Having the same shape or form; very similar.
conformable adj. Suitable; compliant.
CONFORMABLE adj. compliant.
CONFORMABLYconformably adv. With or in conformity; suitably; agreeably.
CONFORMABLE adv. compliant.
CONSORTABLEconsortable adj. (Obsolete) Suitable for association or companionship.
CONSORTABLE adj. able to be consorted with.
HALOCARBONShalocarbons n. Plural of halocarbon.
HALOCARBON n. a compound consisting of carbon and one or more halogens.
LOPHOBRANCHlophobranch n. (Zoology) Any member of the order Lophobranchii of fishes.
LOPHOBRANCH n. any fish of the pipefish and seahorse genus.
RHABDOCOELERHABDOCOELE n. a turbellarian worm with an unbranched intestine.
ROADBLOCKEDroadblocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of roadblock.
ROADBLOCK v. to bar by means of a roadblock.
ROBOTICALLYrobotically adv. In a robotic (or robotical) fashion.
ROBOTIC adv. relating to a robot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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