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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, I, L, P and U

BICEPHALOUSbicephalous adj. (Zoology) Having two heads.
BICEPHALOUS adj. having two heads.
CLUBMANSHIPclubmanship n. Cliquishness, as between members of a club.
CLUBMANSHIP n. the state of being a clubman.
CULPABILITYculpability n. The degree of one’s blameworthiness in the commission of a crime or offence.
CULPABILITY n. the state of being culpable.
PARBUCKLINGparbuckling v. Present participle of parbuckle.
PARBUCKLE v. to raise or lower (a cask, gun, etc.) with a parbuckle, a sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object.
PICKELHAUBEpickelhaube n. (Historical) A spiked helmet worn by German troops, especially during the First World War.
PICKELHAUBE n. (German) the spiked helmet worn by German or Prussian soldiers before World War I.
PUBLICATIONpublication n. The act of publishing printed or other matter.
publication n. An issue of printed or other matter, offered for sale or distribution.
publication n. The communication of information to the general public etc.
REPUBLICANSrepublicans n. Plural of republican.
Republicans n. Plural of Republican.
REPUBLICAN n. one that favors or supports a republican form of government.
SUBTROPICALsubtropical adj. Pertaining to the regions of the Earth further from the equator than the tropical regions.
subtropical adj. (Meteorology, of a cyclone) Having some characteristics of a tropical cyclone but also some characteristics…
subtropical n. A subtropical plant.
USUCAPTIBLEusucaptible adj. Capable of being transferred by usucaption.
USUCAPTIBLE adj. relating to usucaption.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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