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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, H, R, S and U

BRACHIOSAURbrachiosaur n. Any of several massive, herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs, of the genus Brachiosaurus, from the Jurassic…
BRACHYURANSbrachyurans n. Plural of brachyuran.
BRACHYURAN n. any member of the Brachyura, a group of decapod crustaceans.
BRACHYUROUSbrachyurous adj. (Zoology) brachyural.
BRACHYUROUS adj. relating to the Brachyura, a group of decapod crustaceans, also BRACHYURAL.
BRUSCHETTASbruschettas n. Plural of bruschetta.
BRUSCHETTA n. (Italian) toasted ciabatta or other bread coated with olive oil and topped with grilled tomatoes etc.
BUSHWHACKERbushwhacker n. (US) One who travels through the woods, off the designated path.
bushwhacker n. (Australia) A person who lives in the bush, especially as a fugitive; a person who clears woods and bush country.
bushwhacker n. (US, historical) A guerrilla (of either side) during the American Civil War.
HACKBUTEERShackbuteers n. Plural of hackbuteer.
HACKBUTEER n. one who uses a hackbut, an arquebus, also HACKBUTTER, HAGBUTEER, HAGBUTTER.
HACKBUTTERShackbutters n. Plural of hackbutter.
HACKBUTTER n. one who uses a hackbut, also HACKBUTEER, HAGBUTEER, HAGBUTTER.
HUDIBRASTIChudibrastic adj. Alternative spelling of Hudibrastic.
Hudibrastic adj. Of, or relating to a style of English verse that mocks heroic verse.
HUDIBRASTIC adj. boastful.
LUNCHBREAKSlunchbreaks n. Plural of lunchbreak.
lunch␣breaks n. Plural of lunch break.
LUNCHBREAK n. a break for lunch.
NUDIBRANCHSnudibranchs n. Plural of nudibranch.
NUDIBRANCH n. a member of the Nudibranchiata, sea slugs, also NUDIBRANCHIATE.
PUNCHBOARDSpunchboards n. Plural of punchboard.
PUNCHBOARD n. a practice board used in the martial arts.
PURCHASABLEpurchasable adj. Able to be purchased; available for purchase.
purchasable adj. Affordable.
PURCHASABLE adj. that can be purchased.
SHABRACQUESSHABRACQUE n. (historical) a trooper's housing or saddlecloth, also SHABRACK.
SUBBRANCHESsubbranches n. Plural of subbranch.
SUBBRANCH n. a subdivision of a branch.
SUBCHANTERSsubchanters n. Plural of subchanter.
SUBCHANTER n. a precentor's deputy; an officer or lay member of a cathedral who assists in chanting the litany.
SUBCHAPTERSsubchapters n. Plural of subchapter.
SUBCHAPTER n. a subordinate part of a chapter.
SUBCHARTERSSUBCHARTER v. to rent a chartered vehicle.
SUBHARMONICsubharmonic adj. (Physics) Having a frequency that is a fraction of a fundamental frequency.
subharmonic n. Such a frequency.
SUBHARMONIC n. a tone below a harmonic.
UNCRUSHABLEuncrushable adj. Not crushable; that cannot be crushed.
UNCRUSHABLE adj. not crushable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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