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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, E, R, S and V

ABSTRACTIVEabstractive adj. Having an abstracting nature or tendency; tending to separate; tending to be withdrawn.
abstractive adj. Derived by abstraction; belonging to abstraction.
ABSTRACTIVE adj. able or tending to abstract.
BACKVELDERSbackvelders n. Plural of backvelder.
BACKVELDER n. (South African) one who lives in the backveld, country remote from towns.
CONSERVABLEconservable adj. Capable of being preserved from decay or injury.
CONSERVABLE adj. that can be conserved.
CONVERSABLEconversable adj. (Of people) Able and inclined to engage in conversation.
conversable adj. (Of people, obsolete) Able to be conversed with.
conversable adj. (Of things, obsolete) Pertaining to, suited for or exhibiting conversation.
CONVERSABLYconversably adv. In a conversable manner.
CONVERSABLE adv. able to be conversed with.
OBSERVANCESobservances n. Plural of observance.
OBSERVANCE n. the keeping of a customary practice, rite, or ceremony, also OBSERVANCY.
RECEIVABLESreceivables n. Plural of receivable.
RECEIVABLE n. something that can be received.
SCRIVEBOARDSCRIVEBOARD n. a shipbuilder's drawing board, also SCRIEVEBOARD.
SERVICEABLEserviceable adj. Easy to service.
serviceable adj. Repairable instead of disposable.
serviceable adj. In condition for use.
SERVICEABLYserviceably adv. In a serviceable manner.
SERVICEABLE adv. able or willing to serve.
SILVERBACKSsilverbacks n. Plural of silverback.
SILVERBACK n. an older male gorilla with grey hair on its back and flanks.
SUBCURATIVEsubcurative adj. (Medicine) Insufficient to effect a cure.
SUBCURATIVE adj. less than wholly curative.
SUBTRACTIVEsubtractive adj. Of or pertaining to subtraction.
subtractive adj. Of a colour: from which some wavelengths have been removed.
SUBTRACTIVE adj. tending to subtract.
SUBVERTICALsubvertical adj. Partly or not quite vertical.
SUBVERTICAL adj. below the vertical.
VERBALISTICverbalistic adj. Relating to verbalism or form of expression.
VERBALISTIC adj. of or like a verbalist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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