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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, E, 2N and T

ABSTINENCESabstinences n. Plural of abstinence.
ABSTINENCE n. voluntary forbearance esp. from indulgence of an appetite, also ABSTINENCY.
BENEFACTINGbenefacting v. Present participle of benefact.
BENEFACT v. to confer a benefit upon.
BENEFACTIONbenefaction n. An act of doing good; a benefit, a blessing.
benefaction n. An act of charity; almsgiving.
BENEFACTION n. the act of benefiting.
BETACYANINSbetacyanins n. Plural of betacyanin.
BETACYANIN n. any one of a group of red nitrogenous pigments found in certain plants, such as beetroot.
BICENTENARYbicentenary n. A 200th anniversary.
BICENTENARY adj. happening every two hundred years.
BICENTENARY n. a two hundred year anniversary, also BICENTENNIAL.
CONNECTABLEconnectable adj. That can be connected.
CONNECTABLE adj. that can be connected, also CONNECTIBLE.
CONTAINABLEcontainable adj. Able to be contained, especially applied to viruses and similar diseases.
CONTAINABLE adj. that can be contained.
CONTINUABLEcontinuable adj. Able to be continued.
CONTINUABLE adj. that can be continued.
CONTUBERNALcontubernal adj. (Rare) Living in close proximity (as though sharing a tent); intimate, familiar.
contubernal adj. (Historical) Of a relationship between a male and female slave: sexual in nature and somewhat similar…
CONTUBERNAL adj. living or messing together; intimate, also CONTUBERNYAL.
CYBERNATINGcybernating v. Present participle of cybernate.
CYBERNATE v. to control by means of a computer.
CYBERNATIONcybernation n. The control of an industrial operation or task through processing of information with a computer.
cybernation n. A large online community that operates like a nation, or state.
CYBERNATION n. the automatic control of a process or operation (as in manufacturing) by means of computers.
INHABITANCEinhabitance n. Alternative form of inhabitancy.
INHABITANCE n. the act of inhabiting, also INHABITANCY.
INTERBRANCHinterbranch adj. Between branches of an institution.
INTERBRANCH adj. between branches.
NONDIABETICnondiabetic adj. (Medicine) Not suffering from diabetes.
nondiabetic n. A person who does not have diabetes.
NONDIABETIC adj. not diabetic.
RECOMBINANTrecombinant adj. Formed by a new combination of existing elements.
recombinant adj. (Genetics) Formed by genetic recombination.
recombinant n. (Genetics) An organism, cell, or haplotype formed by genetic recombination.
UNCOUNTABLEuncountable adj. So many as to be incapable of being counted.
uncountable adj. (Mathematics) Incapable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers or any subset thereof.
uncountable adj. (Grammar, of a noun) That cannot be used freely with numbers or the indefinite article, and therefore…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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