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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, E, M and 2R

BACKMARKERSbackmarkers n. Plural of backmarker.
BACKMARKER n. a person who starts a race with the least advantageous handicap.
BACKROOMERSSorry, definition not available.
BENCHWARMERbenchwarmer n. Alternative spelling of bench-warmer.
bench-warmer n. (Sports, colloquial) A player who rarely or never gets to play in the games or matches, and is most…
bench␣warmer n. Alternative spelling of bench-warmer.
BREADCRUMBSbreadcrumbs n. Plural of breadcrumb.
breadcrumbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of breadcrumb.
bread␣crumbs n. Plural of bread crumb.
BRICKMAKERSbrickmakers n. Plural of brickmaker.
BRICKMAKER n. one whose occupation is to make bricks.
BUTTERCREAMbuttercream n. (Cooking) A type of thick, sweet icing or cake-filling made by creaming butter (or sometimes another…
butter␣cream n. Alternative form of buttercream.
BUTTERCREAM n. a kind of cream.
CEREBRALISMcerebralism n. (Philosophy, uncountable) The doctrine that non-physical phenomena are functions or products of the brain only.
cerebralism n. (Countable) Something cerebral.
CEREBRALISM n. the theory that all mental operations originate in the brain.
DESCRAMBLERdescrambler n. Something that descrambles; a device for decoding a scrambled signal.
DESCRAMBLER n. an electronic device for decoding scrambled signals.
EMBARCADEROembarcadero n. (Rare) A quay; a wharf.
EMBARCADERO n. a landing place esp. on an inland waterway.
EMBRACERIESembraceries n. Plural of embracery.
EMBRACERY n. an attempt to influence a jury illegally as by bribery, threats, or promises.
MACEBEARERSmacebearers n. Plural of macebearer.
mace-bearers n. Plural of mace-bearer.
MACEBEARER n. one who carries a mace.
REEMBRACINGreembracing v. Present participle of reembrace.
re-embracing v. Present participle of re-embrace.
REEMBRACE v. to embrace again.
REMEMBRANCEremembrance n. The act of remembering; a holding in mind, or bringing to mind; recollection.
remembrance n. The state of being remembered, or held in mind; memory, recollection.
remembrance n. Something remembered; a person or thing kept in memory.
SABERMETRICsabermetric adj. Of or pertaining to sabermetrics.
THERMOBARICthermobaric adj. Describing various weapons that use atmospheric oxygen to produce a blast wave of a significantly longer…
thermobaric n. A thermobaric weapon.
THERMOBARIC adj. of a weapon, using a combination of heat and pressure to create a blast more powerful than that of conventional explosives.
UNSCRAMBLERunscrambler n. That which unscrambles; a device for decoding a scrambled signal.
UNSCRAMBLER n. one who unscrambles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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