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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, E, I, P and S

BACKSPEIREDBACKSPEIR v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEER.
BICEPHALOUSbicephalous adj. (Zoology) Having two heads.
BICEPHALOUS adj. having two heads.
BICUSPIDATEbicuspidate adj. Having two points or prominences (As teeth, leaves, fruit, etc.); bicuspid.
BICUSPIDATE adj. having two cusps.
BICUSPIDATE n. a tooth having two cusps, also BICUSPID.
BIOPIRACIESBIOPIRACY n. the use of wild plants by international corporations to develop drugs without recompensing the countries from which they are taken.
BIRTHPLACESbirthplaces n. Plural of birthplace.
BIRTHPLACE n. a place of birth or origin.
BRICKSHAPEDbrickshaped adj. Shaped like a brick.
brick-shaped adj. Alternative spelling of brickshaped.
BRICKSHAPED adj. shaped like a brick.
BROADPIECESbroadpieces n. Plural of broadpiece.
BROADPIECE n. an old English gold coin, broader than a guinea, as a Carolus or Jacobus.
COLLAPSIBLEcollapsible adj. That can be collapsed.
collapsible n. Any object that can be collapsed to save space.
COLLAPSIBLE adj. that can be collapsed, also COLLAPSABLE.
COMPATIBLEScompatibles n. Plural of compatible.
COMPATIBLE n. something compatible.
COMPRISABLEcomprisable adj. Able to be contained or classified.
COMPRISABLE adj. that can be comprised.
CRISPBREADScrispbreads n. Plural of crispbread.
crisp␣breads n. Plural of crisp bread.
CRISPBREAD n. a brittle, unsweetened type of biscuit.
INESCAPABLEinescapable adj. Impossible (unable) to avoid or escape; not escapable.
INESCAPABLE adj. that cannot be escaped.
INESCAPABLYinescapably adv. In an inescapable manner.
INESCAPABLE adv. that cannot be escaped.
INSPECTABLEinspectable adj. Able to be inspected.
INSPECTABLE adj. that can be inspected.
PICKETBOATSpicketboats n. Plural of picketboat.
picket␣boats n. Plural of picket boat.
PICKETBOAT n. a craft used (as by the coastguard) for harbour patrol.
PREDICABLESpredicables n. Plural of predicable.
PREDICABLE n. anything that can be predicated of another.
REPROBACIESREPROBACY n. the state of being a reprobate.
REPUBLICANSrepublicans n. Plural of republican.
Republicans n. Plural of Republican.
REPUBLICAN n. one that favors or supports a republican form of government.
SPECIFIABLEspecifiable adj. Able to be specified.
SPECIFIABLE adj. that can be specified.
USUCAPTIBLEusucaptible adj. Capable of being transferred by usucaption.
USUCAPTIBLE adj. relating to usucaption.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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