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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, D, I, N and T

ABDICATIONSabdications n. Plural of abdication.
ABDICATION n. an act of abdicating.
BANDICOOTEDbandicooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of bandicoot.
BANDICOOT v. to remove potatoes from the ground leaving the tops undisturbed.
BINUCLEATEDbinucleated adj. Binucleate.
BINUCLEATED adj. having two nuclei; as, binucleate cells, also BINUCLEATE.
CNIDOBLASTScnidoblasts n. Plural of cnidoblast.
CNIDOBLAST n. a stinging thread cell containing a nematocyst.
DEBARCATIONdebarcation n. Alternative form of debarkation.
DEBARCATION n. the act of debarking, also DEBARKATION.
DISTURBANCEdisturbance n. The act of disturbing, being disturbed.
disturbance n. Something that disturbs.
disturbance n. A noisy commotion that causes a hubbub or interruption.
DUBITANCIESdubitancies n. Plural of dubitancy.
DUBITANCY n. (obsolete) doubt.
ENDOBLASTICendoblastic adj. (Biology) Relating to the endoblast.
ENDOBLASTIC adj. relating to the endoblast.
INDICATABLEindicatable adj. That can be indicated.
INDICATABLE adj. that can be indicated.
NONDIABETICnondiabetic adj. (Medicine) Not suffering from diabetes.
nondiabetic n. A person who does not have diabetes.
NONDIABETIC adj. not diabetic.
NOTICEBOARDnoticeboard n. Alternative spelling of notice board.
notice␣board n. A board, hanging on a wall, on which notices and announcements are posted.
notice␣board n. (Internet) An online forum where users can post and read messages.
SUBINDICATEsubindicate v. (Transitive) To indicate by signs or hints; to indicate imperfectly.
SUBINDICATE v. (obsolete) to hint.
TRANSCRIBEDtranscribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of transcribe.
transcribed adj. Having undergone transcription.
transcribed adj. (Radio) Prerecorded for later broadcasting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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