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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, D, 2E and P

BACKPEDALEDbackpedaled v. (US) simple past tense and past participle of backpedal.
BACKPEDAL v. to pedal backwards.
BACKSPEEREDBACKSPEER v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEIR.
BACKSPEIREDBACKSPEIR v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEER.
BROADPIECESbroadpieces n. Plural of broadpiece.
BROADPIECE n. an old English gold coin, broader than a guinea, as a Carolus or Jacobus.
DEPRECIABLEdepreciable adj. Able to be depreciated.
DEPRECIABLE adj. that can be depreciated.
PAPERBACKEDpaperbacked adj. Having the sort of flexible binding characteristic of a paperback book.
PAPERBACK v. to bring out in paperback.
PRECLUDABLEprecludable adj. That may be precluded.
PRECLUDABLE adj. that can be precluded.
PREDIABETICprediabetic adj. Preceding the onset of diabetes; thus, indicating the probable future onset of diabetes.
prediabetic n. One who has prediabetes.
PREDIABETIC n. one suffering from prediabetes.
PREDICABLESpredicables n. Plural of predicable.
PREDICABLE n. anything that can be predicated of another.
PREDICTABLEpredictable adj. Able to be predicted.
predictable n. (Uncommon) A predictable thing.
PREDICTABLE adj. that can be predicted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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