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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 2C, E, R and T

BACKSCATTERbackscatter n. (Physics) The deflection of particles and/or radiation through angles greater than 90 degrees to the…
backscatter n. The particles and/or radiation deflected in this manner.
backscatter n. (Military) A portion of the energy of electromagnetic radiation such as a laser or radio waves that…
BACKSTRETCHbackstretch n. (Athletics, horse racing, car racing) Synonym of back straight (“straight part of a racetrack, running…
backstretch n. (Horse racing) An area next to a racetrack used to stable the racehorses and house employees.
backstretch n. (Figuratively) The middle part of an event.
BACKTRACKEDbacktracked v. Simple past tense and past participle of backtrack.
back-tracked v. Simple past tense and past participle of back-track.
BACKTRACK v. to go back on a previous statement.
BACTERAEMICbacteraemic adj. Alternative form of bacteremic.
BACTERAEMIC adj. containing, caused by, or pertaining to bacteraemia, also BACTEREMIC.
BACTERICIDEbactericide n. Any substance that kills bacteria, especially one that is otherwise harmless.
BACTERICIDE n. an agent that kills bacteria.
BACTERIOCINbacteriocin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of antibiotic toxins, produced by some bacteria, that target closely related bacteria.
BACTERIOCIN n. an antibiotic (as colicin) produced by bacteria.
BARYCENTRICbarycentric adj. Of or pertaining to a centre of gravity.
BARYCENTRIC adj. relating to the centre of gravity.
BRECCIATINGbrecciating v. Present participle of brecciate.
BRECCIATE v. to break a rock down into angular fragments.
BRECCIATIONbrecciation n. (Geology) The formation of breccia such as by external shock.
BRECCIATION n. the process of forming breccia.
CENTROBARICcentrobaric adj. Relating to the centre of gravity or the process of finding it.
CENTROBARIC adj. relating to the centre of gravity.
CORBICULATEcorbiculate adj. Having corbiculae.
corbiculate n. Any bee that has a corbicula (pollen basket).
CORBICULATE adj. like a small basket.
CORRECTABLEcorrectable adj. Able to be corrected.
CORRECTABLE adj. that can be corrected, also CORRECTIBLE.
CYBERATTACKcyberattack n. An attack or intrusion by means of a computer network such as the Internet, often for the purpose of spying.
cyberattack v. To launch a cyberattack.
cyber-attack n. Alternative form of cyberattack.
PRACTICABLEpracticable adj. Capable of being accomplished; feasible.
practicable adj. Serving a useful function; useful, functional or handy.
practicable adj. Available for use; accessible or employable.
TECTIBRANCHtectibranch n. (Zoology) One of the order Tectibranchiata.
TECTIBRANCH n. any member of the Tectibranchiata, molluscs including sea-slugs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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