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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, 2B, I, L, R and S

ABSORBINGLYabsorbingly adv. In an absorbing manner.
ABSORBING adv. ABSORB, to take up or in.
BALBRIGGANSbalbriggans n. Plural of balbriggan.
BALBRIGGAN n. a knitted, unbleached cotton fabric, used in hosiery and underwear.
BESTRIDABLEBESTRIDABLE adj. that can be bestridden.
BLAEBERRIESblaeberries n. Plural of blaeberry.
BLAEBERRY n. (Scots) the bilberry, also BILBERRY.
BURNISHABLEBURNISHABLE adj. that can be burnished.
DESCRIBABLEdescribable adj. Capable of being described.
DESCRIBABLE adj. that can be described.
DISBURSABLEDISBURSABLE adj. that can be disbursed.
FIBROBLASTSfibroblasts n. Plural of fibroblast.
FIBROBLAST n. a cell in connective tissue from which connective tissue is formed.
INSCRIBABLEinscribable adj. (Geometry) That can be inscribed; whose vertices all lie on a sphere.
INSCRIBABLE adj. that can be inscribed.
PROBABILISMprobabilism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that, in the absence of certainty, probability is the best criterion.
probabilism n. (Theology, chiefly Catholicism) The casuistic doctrine that, in difficult matters of conscience, one…
PROBABILISM n. the belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.
PROBABILISTprobabilist n. Someone who studies probability, a particular branch of mathematics.
probabilist n. (Theology, philosophy) A follower of probabilism.
PROBABILIST n. an advocate of probabilism, the belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.
SCRABBLINGSscrabblings n. Plural of scrabbling.
SCRABBLING n. the act of groping about frantically.
SLABBERIESTSLABBERY adj. like, or covered with, slabber.
SORBABILITYsorbability n. The degree to which something can absorb and/or adsorb.
SORBABILITY n. the ability to be absorbed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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