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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 7 eleven-letter words containing A, 2B, C, 2E and R

BACKBENCHERbackbencher n. (Politics) A Member of Parliament who does not have cabinet rank, and who therefore sits on one of the…
backbencher n. (Education) A student who does not perform well, especially one who sits at the back of the classroom.
backbencher n. (Sports) A member of a team who does not usually play, but who is held in reserve.
BACKBREAKERbackbreaker n. A strenuous and exhausting task, typically involving physical effort.
BACKBREAKER n. a strenuous task.
BEACHCOMBERbeachcomber n. (Nautical) A seaman who is not prepared to work but hangs around port areas living off the charity of others.
beachcomber n. Any loafer around a waterfront.
beachcomber n. A person who collects marine salvage at the coast.
BEDCHAMBERSbedchambers n. Plural of bedchamber.
BEDCHAMBER n. (archaic) a bedroom.
CRABBEDNESScrabbedness n. The state or quality of being crabbed.
CRABBEDNESS n. the state of being crabbed.
DESCRIBABLEdescribable adj. Capable of being described.
DESCRIBABLE adj. that can be described.
EMBRACEABLEembraceable adj. Able or suitable to be embraced.
EMBRACEABLE adj. capable of being embraced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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