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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 3N, S and T

ANNEXATIONSannexations n. Plural of annexation.
ANNEXATION n. the act of annexing, also ANNEXION.
ANNOTATIONSannotations n. Plural of annotation.
ANNOTATION n. a note added by way of comment or explanation.
ANNULATIONSannulations n. Plural of annulation.
ANNULATION n. a circular or ringlike formation.
ANNUNCIATESannunciates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of annunciate.
ANNUNCIATE v. to announce, proclaim.
ANNUNTIATESANNUNTIATE v. (obsolete) to proclaim.
ANTINOMIANSantinomians n. Plural of antinomian.
ANTINOMIAN n. one who holds that moral law is of no use because faith alone is necessary to salvation.
CONSONANTALconsonantal adj. Of, relating to, or functioning as a consonant.
consonantal adj. Containing one or more consonants.
CONSONANTAL adj. relating to, being, or marked by a consonant or group of consonants.
CONSTANTANSconstantans n. Plural of constantan.
CONSTANTAN n. an alloy of nickel and copper, having a high and constant resistance to flow of electricity or heat.
NANISATIONSNANISATION n. artificial dwarfing, also NANIZATION.
NANIZATIONSNANIZATION n. artificial dwarfing, also NANISATION.
NONPARTISANnonpartisan adj. Not partisan; impartial and unbiased.
nonpartisan n. One who is not a partisan.
nonpartisan n. A person who has not selected or declared a side or party.
NONSTANDARDnonstandard adj. Not standard.
nonstandard adj. (Linguistics) Not conforming to the standard variety, or to the language as used by the majority of its speakers.
nonstandard n. Something that is not standard.
TRANSANDEANTRANSANDEAN adj. beyond, or crossing, the Andes, also TRANSANDINE.
TRANSANDINETRANSANDINE adj. beyond, or crossing, the Andes, also TRANSANDEAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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