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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, M, N, P, R and U

ANAMORPHOUSanamorphous adj. Distorted, deformed.
ANAMORPHOUS adj. relating to anamorphosis, also ANAMORPHIC.
EMPARLAUNCEEMPARLAUNCE n. (Spenser) parleying, conference, also IMPARLANCE.
INTRAPARTUMintrapartum adj. During parturition (childbirth; labor).
INTRAPARTUM adj. of or relating to childbirth.
MANIPULATORmanipulator n. Agent noun of manipulate; one who manipulates.
manipulator n. A device which can be used to move, arrange or operate something.
manipulator n. A puppeteer, especially one controlling marionettes.
PANCRATIUMSpancratiums n. Plural of pancratium.
PANCRATIUM n. an athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
PANJANDARUMpanjandarum n. Alternative spelling of panjandrum.
PANJANDARUM n. a powerful personage or pretentious official, also PANJANDRUM.
PANJANDRUMSpanjandrums n. Plural of panjandrum.
PANJANDRUM n. a powerful personage or pretentious official, also PANJANDARUM.
PARAMOUNTCYparamountcy n. The fact or condition of being paramount; supremacy, precedence.
PARAMOUNTCY n. the state of being paramount, also PARAMOUNCY.
PARAMOUNTLYparamountly adv. In a paramount manner.
PARAMOUNT adv. supreme.
PARASCENIUMparascenium n. (Historical) One of two apartments adjoining the ancient stage, probably used as dressing rooms.
PARASCENIUM n. in the Greek theatre, a wing, a side-scene.
PLANETARIUMplanetarium n. A display museum in which images of stars and other astronomical phenomena are projected onto a domed ceiling.
planetarium n. An orrery.
PLANETARIUM n. a model or representation of the solar system.
PLUMULARIANplumularian n. (Zoology) Any plumularia.
plumularian adj. (Zoology) Belonging or relating to the plumularia.
PLUMULARIAN n. a member of the Plumularia, a kind of Hydrozoa.
PORTMANTEAUportmanteau n. A large travelling case usually made of leather, and opening into two equal sections.
portmanteau n. (Australia, dated) A schoolbag.
portmanteau n. (Archaic) A hook on which to hang clothing.
PORTMANTUASportmantuas n. Plural of portmantua.
PORTMANTUA n. (obsolete) a portmanteau, also PORTMANTEAU, PORTMANTLE.
SPARGANIUMSsparganiums n. Plural of sparganium.
SPARGANIUM n. a plant of the bur-reed genus.
SUMATRIPTANsumatriptan n. A drug used for the treatment of migraine headaches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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