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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, L, N, O and 2R

ALTERNATORSalternators n. Plural of alternator.
ALTERNATOR n. an electric generator for producing alternating current.
GRANDIFLORAgrandiflora n. A rose of the Grandiflora class of roses created in the middle of the 20th century as backcrosses of…
GRANDIFLORA n. (Latin) a large-flowered plant.
GRANULATORSgranulators n. Plural of granulator.
GRANULATOR n. something that granulates, also GRANULATER.
INTRAOCULARintraocular adj. (Ophthalmology) Inside or within the eye.
INTRAOCULAR adj. situated or occurring within the eyeball.
IRRATIONALSirrationals n. Plural of irrational.
IRRATIONAL n. an irrational number.
NARRATIONALnarrational adj. Relating to narration.
NARRATIONAL adj. relating to narration.
NARRATOLOGYnarratology n. The study of narrative structure.
NARRATOLOGY n. the study of narratives.
NONARRIVALSnonarrivals n. Plural of nonarrival.
non-arrivals n. Plural of non-arrival.
NONARRIVAL n. a failure to arrival.
NONGRANULARnongranular adj. Not granular; not in the form of grains.
NONGRANULAR adj. not granular.
NONRAILROADnonrailroad adj. Not of or pertaining to a railroad.
NONRAILROAD adj. not related to a railroad.
PARANORMALSparanormals n. Plural of paranormal.
PARANORMAL n. something not scientifically explainable.
PROLETARIANproletarian adj. Of or relating to the proletariat.
proletarian n. A member of the proletariat.
PROLETARIAN n. a member of the proletariat, also PROLETARY.
RADIOLARIANradiolarian n. Any of many marine amoeboid protozoa, of subclass Radiolaria, having filamentous pseudopodia; they have…
RADIOLARIAN n. any member of an order of marine Protozoa, or unicellular animals, with fine radial tentacles for feeding and movement.
RAILROADINGrailroading v. Present participle of railroad.
railroading n. (Rail transport, US) The operation of a railroad.
railroading n. (Rail transport, US) The class of people, equipment, terminology, and lore pertaining to railroads…
TRANSLATORStranslators n. Plural of translator.
TRANSLATOR n. one who translates.
TRANSLATORYtranslatory adj. That translates or transfers.
TRANSLATORY adj. of, relating to, or involving uniform motion in one direction.
TRANSPORTALtransportal n. (Archaic) transportation from one locality to another.
TRANSPORTAL n. the act of transporting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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