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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2A, L, M, 2O and S

ACOELOMATESacoelomates n. Plural of acoelomate.
ACOELOMATE n. an animal that lacks a coelom, for example platyhelminths (flatworms).
AMETABOLOUSametabolous adj. Alternative form of ametabolic.
AMETABOLOUS adj. of insects, showing little or no metamorphosis, also AMETABOLIC.
ANOMALOUSLYanomalously adv. In an anomalous manner.
ANOMALOUS adv. irregular; deviating from rule.
APOGAMOUSLYAPOGAMOUS adv. engaging in apogamy, asexual reproduction.
AUTOSOMALLYautosomally adv. In an autosomal way.
AUTOSOMAL adv. of or like an autosome, a chromosome other than a sex chromosome.
BALSAMROOTSbalsamroots n. Plural of balsamroot.
LOADSAMONEYloadsamoney interj. (Britain, informal, humorous) A colourful variation of the phrase "loads of money", referring to the…
loadsamoney n. (Britain, informal, humorous) A vulgar person who has gained a large amount of wealth and flaunts it…
LOADSAMONEY n. wealth accumulated as a result of the economic boom of the 1980s.
MACROFLORASmacrofloras n. Plural of macroflora.
MACROFLORA n. (Greek) plants visible to the naked eye.
MONOCHASIALmonochasial adj. Relating to the monochasium.
MONOCHASIAL adj. of or like a monochasium, a cyme with a single main stem.
OOJAMAFLIPSoojamaflips n. Plural of oojamaflip.
OOJAMAFLIP n. a thing whose name is temporarily forgotten.
POLAROGRAMSpolarograms n. Plural of polarogram.
POLAROGRAM n. a picture taken by polarography.
SOMATOPLASMsomatoplasm n. The protoplasm of somatic cells.
SOMATOPLASM n. protoplasm of the somatic cells.
TOXOPLASMAStoxoplasmas n. Plural of toxoplasma.
TOXOPLASMA n. a genus of microorganisms causing infections in domestic cats and humans.
VOMERONASALvomeronasal adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or situated near the vomer bone between the nose and the mouth.
VOMERONASAL adj. relating to the vomer and the nasal cavity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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