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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing 2A, L, M, N and 2R

INTRADERMALintradermal adj. Within the skin.
INTRADERMAL adj. situated or done within or between the layers of the skin, also INTRADERMIC.
INTRAMURALSintramurals n. Plural of intramural.
INTRAMURALS n. sports played by teams or competitors within the same school or university.
MARSHLANDERmarshlander n. A person who comes from, or lives in, a marshland.
MARSHLANDER n. one who lives in marshland.
MATRILINEARmatrilinear adj. Alternative form of matrilineal.
MATRILINEAR adj. of descent or kinship, reckoned through the mother or through females alone, also MATRILINEAL.
PARANORMALSparanormals n. Plural of paranormal.
PARANORMAL n. something not scientifically explainable.
TRANSDERMALtransdermal adj. Through the unbroken skin (as for example with measurements of blood glucose level with an optical glucometer…
transdermal n. A transdermal patch or implant.
TRANSDERMAL adj. relating to, being, or supplying a medication in a form for absorption through the skin into the bloodstream.
ULTRAMARINEultramarine adj. (Archaic) Beyond the sea.
ultramarine adj. Of a brilliant dark blue or slightly purplish colour like that of the pigment (noun sense 1).
ultramarine n. In full ultramarine blue: a brilliant blue pigment that was traditionally made from ground-up lapis…
UNMARRIABLEunmarriable adj. Not marriable.
UNMARRIABLE adj. (obsolete) unmarriageable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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