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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, L, M, N, O and U

ABLUTOMANESABLUTOMANE n. one obsessed with washing.
AMBULATIONSambulations n. Plural of ambulation.
AMBULATION n. the act of walking.
ANOMALOUSLYanomalously adv. In an anomalous manner.
ANOMALOUS adv. irregular; deviating from rule.
ANTITUMORALantitumoral adj. (Oncology) antitumor.
ANTITUMORAL adj. intended to prevent tumors, also ANTITUMOR, ANTITUMOUR, ANTITUMOURAL.
AUTONOMICALautonomical adj. Alternative form of autonomic.
AUTONOMICAL adj. self-governing, also AUTONOMIC.
CALUMNIATORcalumniator n. A person who calumniates (slanders, or makes personal attacks upon, others).
CALUMNIATOR n. a slanderer.
GRANULOMATAgranulomata n. Plural of granuloma.
GRANULOMA n. a localized collection of granulation tissue.
KAMELAUKIONkamelaukion n. A stiff cylindrical head-covering worn for religious reasons in Orthodox Christian and Eastern Catholic traditions.
KAMELAUKION n. (Modern Greek) a tall cylindrical hat worn by Orthodox priests.
LAUNDROMATSlaundromats n. Plural of laundromat.
MACULATIONSmaculations n. Plural of maculation.
MACULATION n. being covered in spots.
MALONYLUREAmalonylurea n. Barbituric acid.
MALONYLUREA n. another name for barbituric acid.
MANIPULATORmanipulator n. Agent noun of manipulate; one who manipulates.
manipulator n. A device which can be used to move, arrange or operate something.
manipulator n. A puppeteer, especially one controlling marionettes.
MICROFAUNALmicrofaunal adj. Of, or relating to, a microfauna.
MICROFAUNAL adj. relating to microfauna, very small animals.
PARAMOUNTLYparamountly adv. In a paramount manner.
PARAMOUNT adv. supreme.
SOMNAMBULARsomnambular adj. Sleepy; asleep.
SOMNAMBULAR adj. relating to somnambulation, sleepwalking, also SOMNAMBULARY.
SUMMATIONALsummational adj. Of or pertaining to summation.
SUMMATIONAL adj. relating to summation, the act of summing.
TULIPOMANIAtulipomania n. Enthusiasm for tulips, as in a period in the Dutch Golden Age during which contract prices for bulbs…
TULIPOMANIA n. an obsession with tulips.
UNCOMATABLEUNCOMATABLE adj. inaccessible; out of reach, also UNCOMEATABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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