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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2L, M, R and S

ALPRAZOLAMSSorry, definition not available.
AMARYLLISESamaryllises n. Plural of amaryllis.
AMARYLLIS n. (Greek) the belladonna lily, or any of several similar plants, also AMARYLLID.
AMBROSIALLYambrosially adv. In an ambrosial manner.
AMBROSIAL adv. consisting of, or partaking of the nature of, ambrosia, also AMBROSIAN.
ARMILLARIASarmillarias n. Plural of armillaria.
ARMILLARIA n. any fungus of the genus Armillaria, the honey fungus.
LUMBOSACRALlumbosacral adj. Of or pertaining to the lumbar and sacral regions of the back; the small of the back and the back portion…
LUMBOSACRAL adj. relating to the lumbar sacral region.
MAGISTRALLYmagistrally adv. In a magistral manner…
MAGISTRAL adv. masterly.
MARSHALLERSmarshallers n. Plural of marshaller.
MARSHALLER n. one who marshals, also MARSHALER.
MARSHALLINGmarshalling v. (British spelling) present participle of marshal.
marshalling n. (Software) The process of transforming the memory representation of an object to a data format suitable…
marshalling n. (Heraldry) The arrangement of an escutcheon to exhibit the alliances of the owner.
MARSHMALLOWmarshmallow n. Marsh mallow, a species of mallow, Althaea officinalis, that grows in marshy terrain.
marshmallow n. A type of confectionery, originally (since Ancient Egyptian times) made from this plant, but now generally…
marshmallow n. (Figuratively) Someone who is soft and benign.
MARTELLATOSMARTELLATO n. (Italian) (in string playing) the practice of bowing the string with a succession of short sharp blows.
MAXILLARIESmaxillaries n. Plural of maxillary.
MAXILLARY n. a bone of the jaw.
MORTADELLASmortadellas n. Plural of mortadella.
MORTADELLA n. (Italian) Italian pork sausage.
MOZZARELLASmozzarellas n. Plural of mozzarella.
MOZZARELLA n. (Italian) a mild white Italian cheese.
PARALLELISMparallelism n. The state or condition of being parallel; agreement in direction, tendency, or character.
parallelism n. The state of being in agreement or similarity; resemblance, correspondence, analogy.
parallelism n. A parallel position; the relation of parallels.
PREMAXILLASpremaxillas n. Plural of premaxilla.
PREMAXILLA n. (Latin) a bone in front of the maxilla, also PREMAXILLARY.
RAMPALLIANSrampallians n. Plural of rampallian.
RAMPALLIAN n. (Shakespeare) a mean wretch.
SARCOLEMMALsarcolemmal adj. Of or relating to a sarcolemma.
SARCOLEMMAL adj. of or like a sarcolemma, the very thin transparent and apparently homogeneous sheath which incloses a striated muscular fiber.
STALLMASTERSTALLMASTER n. a master of horse.
SYLLABARIUMsyllabarium n. Historical form of syllabary.
SYLLABARIUM n. a syllabary.
SYLLABOGRAMsyllabogram n. A symbol that represents a syllable.
SYLLABOGRAM n. a written symbol representing a single syllable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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