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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, I, M and 3S

ANASTOMOSISanastomosis n. A cross-connection between two blood vessels.
anastomosis n. An interconnection between any two channels, passages or vessels.
anastomosis n. (Surgery) The surgical creation of a connecting passage between blood vessels, bowels or other channels.
ASSAILMENTSassailments n. Plural of assailment.
ASSAILMENT n. the act or power of assailing.
ASSIMILATESassimilates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of assimilate.
ASSIMILATE v. to make or be like.
ASTATICISMSASTATICISM n. the quality of being astatic, having no fixed position of stability.
BASTARDISMSBASTARDISM n. the state of being a bastard; bastardy.
GYMNASIASTSgymnasiasts n. Plural of gymnasiast.
GYMNASIAST n. a pupil in a gymnasium.
HAEMOSTASIShaemostasis n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemostasis.
hæmostasis n. Alternative form of hemostasis.
HAEMOSTASIS n. stoppage of bleeding or the circulation, also HAEMOSTASIA, HEMOSTASIA, HEMOSTASIS.
HEMOSTASIASHEMOSTASIA n. the stopping of bleeding or arrest of blood circulation in an organ or part, as during a surgical operation, also HAEMOSTASIA, HAEMOSTASIS, HEMOSTASIS.
METASTASISEmetastasise v. Alternative spelling of metastasize.
METASTASISE v. to spread or grow by or as if by metastasis, also METASTASIZE.
MISANALYSESmisanalyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misanalyse.
misanalyses n. Plural of misanalysis.
MISANALYSIS n. a wrong analysis.
MISANALYSISmisanalysis n. Incorrect analysis.
MISANALYSIS n. a wrong analysis.
MISASSAYINGMISASSAY v. to attempt unsuccessfully.
PARASITISMSparasitisms n. Plural of parasitism.
PARASITISM n. the behavior of a parasite.
PHARISAISMSpharisaisms n. Plural of pharisaism.
PHARISAISM n. the notions, doctrines, and conduct of the Pharisees, as a sect.
SAMARSKITESsamarskites n. Plural of samarskite.
SAMARSKITE n. a black mineral containing uranium.
SEAMANSHIPSseamanships n. Plural of seamanship.
SEAMANSHIP n. the art or skill of handling, working, and navigating a ship.
SEPARATISMSseparatisms n. Plural of separatism.
SEPARATISM n. a belief in, movement for, or state of separation, also SEPARATIONISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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