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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, N, P and 2S

ASPARAGINESasparagines n. Plural of asparagine.
ASPARAGINE n. an amino acid found in asparagus and other vegetables.
HANDPASSINGhandpassing v. Present participle of handpass.
HANDPASS v. (in Australian Rules and Gaelic football) to pass the ball by striking it with one hand while it is held in the other.
MANSCAPINGSMANSCAPING n. the act of trimming or removing a man's body hair to enhance appearance.
PARAGENESESparageneses n. Plural of paragenesis.
PARAGENESIS n. the order in which minerals have developed in a given mass of rock, also PARAGENESIA.
PARAGENESISparagenesis n. (Geology) An ordered chronological sequence of mineral formations.
paragenesis n. (Geology) The formation of minerals in contact, so as to affect one another’s development.
paragenesis n. (Biology) Hybridism.
PARASKIINGSPARASKIING n. the sport of jumping off high mountains wearing skis and a light parachute composed of inflatable fabric tubes that form a semirigid wing.
PASSIVATINGpassivating v. Present participle of passivate.
PASSIVATE v. to coat metal with oxides to protect from corrosion.
PHALANGISTSphalangists n. Plural of phalangist.
Phalangists n. Plural of Phalangist.
PHALANGIST n. any arboreal marsupial of the genus Phalangista.
PLASMAGENESplasmagenes n. Plural of plasmagene.
PLASMAGENE n. a self-reproducing structure like the mitochondria.
SHAGANAPPISshaganappis n. Plural of shaganappi.
SLAPDASHINGslapdashing v. Present participle of slapdash.
SLAPDASH v. to do in a hasty, imperfect manner.
SNAPDRAGONSsnapdragons n. Plural of snapdragon.
SNAPDRAGON n. a plant of the figwort family whose flower when pinched and released snaps like a dragon.
SPARGANIUMSsparganiums n. Plural of sparganium.
SPARGANIUM n. a plant of the bur-reed genus.
SPATANGOIDSspatangoids n. Plural of spatangoid.
SPATANGOID n. a heart urchin, a member of the Spangoidea, an order of more or less heart-shaped sea urchins with eccentric anus.
TOPAGNOSIASTOPAGNOSIA n. a symptom of disease of or damage to the brain in which a person cannot identify a part of the body that has been touched, also TOPAGNOSIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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