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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, N, 2O and S

ABROGATIONSabrogations n. Plural of abrogation.
ABROGATION n. the act of abrogating, formally annulling.
AGAMOGONIESagamogonies n. Plural of agamogony.
AGAMOGONY n. asexual reproduction in protozoans characterised by multiple fission.
ANALOGOUSLYanalogously adv. In an analogous manner; in a manner which evokes analogy.
ANALOGOUS adv. bearing some correspondence or resemblance.
ANGIOMATOUSangiomatous adj. Relating to an angioma.
ANGIOMATOUS adj. having many angiomas.
ANISOGAMOUSanisogamous adj. Being married to someone whose age differs by an unusually large degree from one’s own.
anisogamous adj. Having a sexual partner whose age differs by an unusually large degree from one’s own.
ANISOGAMOUS adj. relating to anisogamy, union between markedly different gametes e.g. as egg and sperm, as in humans.
ARROGATIONSarrogations n. Plural of arrogation.
ARROGATION n. the act of arrogating, or making exorbitant claims; the act of taking more than one is justly entitled to.
DRAGOONAGESDRAGOONAGE n. the act of dragooning.
ODONTALGIASodontalgias n. Plural of odontalgia.
ODONTALGIA n. toothache, also ODONTALGY.
ONAGRACEOUSonagraceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Onagraceae of flowering plants, including the fuchsia and the evening primrose.
ONAGRACEOUS adj. belonging to evening primrose family of plants.
ORGANOGRAMSorganograms n. Plural of organogram.
ORGANOGRAM n. a chart showing a graded arrangement of personnel in an organisation.
SPORANGIOLAsporangiola n. Plural of sporangiolum.
SPORANGIOLUM n. a sporangium containing one or few spores, also SPORANGIOLE.
TOPAGNOSIASTOPAGNOSIA n. a symptom of disease of or damage to the brain in which a person cannot identify a part of the body that has been touched, also TOPAGNOSIS.
WAGGONLOADSWAGGONLOAD n. the contents of a full wagon, also WAGONLOAD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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