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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, L, 2T and U

AGGLUTINANTagglutinant adj. Uniting, as glue; causing, or tending to cause, adhesion.
agglutinant n. Any viscous substance which causes agglutination.
AGGLUTINANT n. an agglutinating agent.
AGGLUTINATEagglutinate adj. United with glue or as with glue; cemented together.
agglutinate adj. (Linguistics) Consisting of root words combined but not materially altered as to form or meaning.
agglutinate v. (Transitive) To unite, or cause to adhere, as with glue or other viscous substance; to unite by causing…
CATAPULTINGcatapulting v. Present participle of catapult.
CATAPULT v. to hurl through the air.
GASTRULATEDgastrulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of gastrulate.
GASTRULATE v. to form a gastrula.
GASTRULATESgastrulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gastrulate.
GASTRULATE v. to form a gastrula.
GRATULATINGgratulating v. Present participle of gratulate.
GRATULATE v. (archaic) to congratulate.
GRATULATIONgratulation n. (Now rare) A feeling of happiness and satisfaction; joy, especially at one’s good fortune.
gratulation n. (Archaic) The expression of pleasure at someone’s else’s success or luck; congratulation.
GRATULATION n. congratulation.
GRATULATORYgratulatory adj. (Archaic) congratulatory.
GRATULATORY adj. congratulatory.
MALAGUETTASMALAGUETTA n. grains of Paradise, aka malaguetta pepper.
STRANGULATEstrangulate v. (Medicine) To stop flow through a vessel.
strangulate v. To strangle.
STRANGULATE v. to strangle, constrict.
TRIANGULATEtriangulate v. To locate by means of triangulation.
triangulate v. To pit two others against each other in order to achieve a desired outcome or to gain an advantage;…
triangulate adj. Triangular.
UNGETATABLEungetatable adj. (Informal, humorous) That cannot be got at; inaccessible.
UNGETATABLE adj. not getatable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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