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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, L, O and 2T

AGITATIONALagitational adj. Relating to, or having the character of, political agitation.
AGITATIONAL adj. relating to agitation.
BATTLEWAGONbattlewagon n. (Military) A heavily-armed combat vehicle.
battle␣wagon n. Alternative form of battlewagon.
BATTLEWAGON n. a battleship.
FLAGITATIONflagitation n. (Archaic) importunity; urgent demand.
FLAGITATION n. the action of asking or demanding with passion.
GEOTACTICALGEOTACTICAL adj. relating to geotaxis, the response of an organism to gravity, also GEOTACTIC.
GESTATIONALgestational adj. Of or pertaining to gestation.
gestational adj. Of a person or animal: pregnant.
GESTATIONAL adj. relating to gestation, the process of gestating, bearing in the womb, also GESTATIVE.
GESTATORIALgestatorial adj. Used for carrying.
GESTATORIAL adj. (archaic) related to carrying, also GESTATORY.
GRATULATIONgratulation n. (Now rare) A feeling of happiness and satisfaction; joy, especially at one’s good fortune.
gratulation n. (Archaic) The expression of pleasure at someone’s else’s success or luck; congratulation.
GRATULATION n. congratulation.
GRATULATORYgratulatory adj. (Archaic) congratulatory.
GRATULATORY adj. congratulatory.
STAGFLATIONstagflation n. (Economics) Inflation accompanied by stagnant growth, unemployment or recession.
STAGFLATION n. persistent inflation combined with stagnant consumer demand and relatively high unemployment.
TESSARAGLOTTESSARAGLOT adj. speaking four languages.
THANATOLOGYthanatology n. The scientific study of death and the practices associated with it, including the study of the needs…
THANATOLOGY n. the description or study of the phenomena of death and of psychological mechanisms for coping with them.
TOPGALLANTStopgallants n. Plural of topgallant.
TOPGALLANT n. the mast or sail above the topmast and below the royal mast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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