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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, 3I and N

AFFILIATINGaffiliating v. Present participle of affiliate.
AFFILIATE v. to adopt or attach as a member or branch.
ANIMALISINGanimalising v. Present participle of animalise.
ANIMALISE v. to endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form, also ANIMALIZE.
ANIMALIZINGanimalizing v. Present participle of animalize.
ANIMALIZE v. to endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form, also ANIMALISE.
ARABICISINGarabicising v. Present participle of arabicise.
ARABICISE v. to make Arabic, also ARABICIZE.
ARABICIZINGArabicizing v. Present participle of Arabicize.
ARABICIZE v. to make Arabic.
IMAGINARIESimaginaries n. Plural of imaginary.
IMAGINARY n. an imaginary quantity or expression.
IMAGINARILYimaginarily adv. In an imaginary way, in the imagination.
imaginarily adv. (Obsolete) By way of an image.
IMAGINARY adv. imagined.
IMAGINATIONimagination n. The image-making power of the mind; the act of mentally creating or reproducing an object not previously…
imagination n. Particularly, construction of false images; fantasizing.
imagination n. Creativity; resourcefulness.
IMAGINATIVEimaginative adj. Having a lively or creative imagination.
imaginative adj. Tending to be fanciful or inventive.
imaginative adj. False or imagined.
IRRADIATINGirradiating v. Present participle of irradiate.
IRRADIATE v. to shed light or other rays upon or into.
LABIALISINGlabialising v. Present participle of labialise.
LABIALISE v. to pronounce with rounded lips, also LABIALIZE.
LABIALIZINGlabializing v. Present participle of labialize.
LABIALIZE v. to pronounce with rounded lips, also LABIALISE.
MAINTAININGmaintaining n. The act of doing maintenance.
maintaining v. Present participle of maintain.
MAINTAIN v. to keep in proper condition.
RACIALISINGracialising v. Present participle of racialise.
RACIALISE v. to make racial, also RACIALIZE.
RACIALIZINGracializing v. Present participle of racialize.
RACIALIZE v. to make racial, also RACIALISE.
RADIALISINGradialising v. Present participle of radialise.
RADIALISE v. to arrange radially, also RADIALIZE.
RADIALIZINGradializing v. Present participle of radialize.
RADIALIZE v. to arrange radially, also RADIALISE.
SIGILLARIANsigillarian n. A member of the Sigillaria, a genus of extinct trees.
SIGILLARIAN n. a seal, a signet.
TAGLIARINISTAGLIARINI n. (Italian) pasta cut into very thin, flat strips.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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