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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, H, I, N and O

ANGIOGRAPHYangiography n. (Medicine) A medical imaging technique in which an X-ray image is taken to visualize the inside of blood…
ANGIOGRAPHY n. a technique for X-raying major blood vessels, using dye opaque to X-rays.
ANGLOPHILIAanglophilia n. Alternative letter-case form of Anglophilia.
Anglophilia n. The love of the country, culture or people of England.
ANGLOPHILIA n. love of England or the English language.
ANGLOPHOBIAanglophobia n. Alternative letter-case form of Anglophobia.
Anglophobia n. The hatred or fear of England and anything English (or British).
ANGLOPHOBIA n. fear of England or the English.
APPROACHINGapproaching adj. That approaches or approach.
approaching adv. Nearly.
approaching v. Present participle of approach.
ARCHEGONIALarchegonial adj. (Botany) Relating to the archegonium.
ARCHEGONIAL adj. relating to an archegonium.
CHARCOALINGcharcoaling v. Present participle of charcoal.
CHARCOAL v. to draw or blacken with charcoal.
GNATHONICALgnathonical adj. Alternative form of gnathonic.
GNATHONICAL adj. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONIC.
GRAPHOMANIAgraphomania n. The compulsion to write.
graphomania n. (Art) Used as part of the name of various surrealist techniques, e.g., a method in which dots are made…
GRAPHOMANIA n. an obsession with writing.
HAEMANGIOMAhaemangioma n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemangioma.
HAEMANGIOMA n. a usually benign tumour made up of blood vessels, also HEMANGIOMA.
HARIOLATINGhariolating v. Present participle of hariolate.
HARIOLATE v. to prophesy, soothsay.
HEMANGIOMAShemangiomas n. Plural of hemangioma.
HEMANGIOMA n. a usually benign tumour made up of blood vessels, also HAEMANGIOMA.
KOTAHITANGAKOTAHITANGA n. (Maori) unity or solidarity.
MARATHONINGmarathoning n. The act of running a marathon.
MARATHONING n. the act of running marathons.
MENORRHAGIAmenorrhagia n. Excessive menstrual flow but regularly timed.
menorrhagia n. (Dated) The normal flow of the menses.
MENORRHAGIA n. excessive bleeding during menstruation.
PHAENOGAMICphaenogamic adj. (Botany) phaenogamous.
PHAENOGAMIC adj. of or like a phaenogam, a flowering plant, also PHAENOGAMOUS.
PHAGOMANIACPHAGOMANIAC n. one who suffers from phagomania, a compulsive desire to eat.
PHAGOMANIASPHAGOMANIA n. a compulsive desire to eat.
THINGAMABOBthingamabob n. (Slang) A thing or person whose actual name is unknown or forgotten.
THINGAMABOB n. a whatsit.
TOMAHAWKINGtomahawking v. Present participle of tomahawk.
TOMAHAWK v. (Native American) to strike with a short axe.
VAGABONDISHvagabondish adj. Like a vagabond.
VAGABONDISH adj. like a vagabond.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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