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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, H, 2I and N

ANARCHISINGanarchising v. Present participle of anarchise.
ANARCHISE v. to reduce to anarchy, also ANARCHIZE.
ANARCHIZINGanarchizing v. Present participle of anarchize.
ANARCHIZE v. to reduce to anarchy, also ANARCHISE.
ANGLOPHILIAanglophilia n. Alternative letter-case form of Anglophilia.
Anglophilia n. The love of the country, culture or people of England.
ANGLOPHILIA n. love of England or the English language.
ANTIWHALINGantiwhaling adj. Against the practice of whaling, the practice of hunting whales.
ANTIWHALING adj. opposed to whaling.
BRACHIATINGbrachiating adj. That moves by the use of limbs; especially by swinging through the trees using the arms.
brachiating v. Present participle of brachiate.
BRACHIATE v. to progress by swinging hand over hand, like a gibbon.
CATHARISINGcatharising v. Present participle of catharise.
CATHARISE v. to render absolutely clean; to purge, also CATHARIZE.
CATHARIZINGcatharizing v. Present participle of catharize.
CATHARIZE v. to render absolutely clean; to purge, also CATHARISE.
CHAINSAWINGchainsawing v. Present participle of chainsaw.
CHAINSAW v. to cut with a power saw.
CHAIRMANINGchairmaning v. Present participle of chairman.
CHAIRMAN v. to act as chairman of.
CHIMICHANGAchimichanga n. (US) A deep-fried wet burrito.
CHIMICHANGA n. (Spanish) a tortilla wrapped round a filling, as of meat, and deep fried.
GAINSHARINGgainsharing n. A compensation system in which companies share the financial value of performance gains, such as productivity…
gain-sharing n. Alternative spelling of gainsharing.
GAINSHARING n. a system in which employees are financially rewarded for reducing operating costs and working more efficiently.
HABITUATINGhabituating v. Present participle of habituate.
habituating adj. Habit-forming.
HABITUATE v. to accustom to.
HAIRWEAVINGhairweaving n. The transplantation of hair onto the scalp by weaving it into the existing hair, sometimes to disguise baldness.
HAIRWEAVING n. the interweaving of false hair with real on a bald person's head.
HANGABILITYhangability n. The quality of being hangable; suitability for hanging or suspension.
HANGABILITY n. the quality of being hangable.
HARIOLATINGhariolating v. Present participle of hariolate.
HARIOLATE v. to prophesy, soothsay.
MACHINATINGmachinating v. Present participle of machinate.
MACHINATE v. to plan; to contrive; esp. to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm.
RAINWASHINGrainwashing v. Present participle of rainwash.
RAINWASH v. to wash material downhill by rain.
SHANGHAIINGshanghaiing v. Present participle of shanghai.
shanghaiing n. The act of one who shanghais; a press-ganging or abduction.
SHANGHAI v. to kidnap for service aboard a ship.
THINGAMAJIGthingamajig n. (Informal) Something that one does not know the name of.
THINGAMAJIG n. a whatsit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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