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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, E, L, M and 2N

BLANCMANGESblancmanges n. Plural of blancmange.
BLANCMANGE n. (French) an opaque jelly made with isinglass or gelatin and milk or (now usually) cornflour and milk, often flavoured and sweetened.
EMANATIONALemanational adj. Of or relating to emanations.
EMANATIONAL adj. relating to emanation.
FUNDAMENTALfundamental n. (Usually in the plural) A main or major principle, rule, law, etc. which serves as the foundation or…
fundamental n. (Physics) The lowest frequency of a periodic waveform.
fundamental n. (Music) The lowest partial of a complex tone.
GALANTAMINEgalantamine n. (Organic chemistry) An alkaloid, obtained synthetically or from various plants, used for the treatment…
GALANTAMINE n. a compound, originally derived from flowers, especially daffodils and snowdrops, used as a drug in treating dementia.
INANIMATELYinanimately adv. In an inanimate manner.
INANIMATE adv. not alive.
LAMENTATIONlamentation n. The act of lamenting.
lamentation n. A sorrowful cry; a lament.
lamentation n. Specifically, mourning.
LINEAMENTALlineamental adj. Relating to a lineament.
LINEAMENTAL adj. relating to lineaments.
MAINLANDERSmainlanders n. Plural of mainlander.
Mainlanders n. Plural of Mainlander.
MAINLANDER n. one who lives on the mainland.
MALIGNANCESmalignances n. Plural of malignance.
MALIGNANCE n. the state of being malignant, also MALIGNANCY.
MANSPLAINEDmansplained v. Simple past tense and past participle of mansplain.
MANSPLAIN v. (of a man) to explain (something) to a woman in a patronizing or condescending way.
MANSPLAINERmansplainer n. (Informal) One (especially a man) who mansplains.
MILLENARIANmillenarian adj. (Christianity) Pertaining to the belief in an impending period of one thousand years of peace and righteousness…
millenarian adj. Pertaining to any of various religious or social movements which believe in a coming radical change…
millenarian adj. Lasting or expected to last a thousand years.
NOMINATABLESorry, definition not available.
NONAGESIMALnonagesimal n. (Astronomy) The middle to highest point of a part of an ecliptic that is above the horizon at any period of time.
nonagesimal adj. Of or relating to the ninetieth degree or to a nonagesimal.
NONAGESIMAL adj. ninetieth.
NONMATERIALnonmaterial adj. Not material; apart from matter.
non-material adj. Alternative form of nonmaterial.
NONMATERIAL adj. not material.
ORNAMENTALSornamentals n. Plural of ornamental.
ORNAMENTAL n. a plant grown for ornament.
PRAENOMINALpraenominal adj. Relating to a praenomen.
prænominal adj. Obsolete form of praenominal.
PRAENOMINAL adj. of or relating to a praenomen.
UNAMENDABLEunamendable adj. Not possible to amend.
UNAMENDABLE adj. not amendable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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