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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, E, I, M, T and Y

ALDERMANITYaldermanity n. The condition of being an alderman.
ALDERMANITY n. the state of being an alderman.
ALEXITHYMIAalexithymia n. A deficiency in understanding, processing, or describing emotions.
ALEXITHYMIA n. an inability to recognize, understand, and describe emotions.
ALKALIMETRYalkalimetry n. The process of determining the strength of an alkali.
ALKALIMETRY n. the measurement of the strength of alkalies.
AMENABILITYamenability n. The state or quality of being amenable.
AMENABILITY n. the state of being amenable.
DIAMETRALLYdiametrally adv. In a diametral fashion.
DIAMETRAL adv. pertaining to a diameter, also DIAMETRIC, DIAMETRICAL.
DIATHERMACYDIATHERMACY n. permeability by or conductibility of radiant heat, also DIATHERMANCY.
ERYTHRAEMIAerythraemia n. Alternative form of erythremia.
ERYTHRAEMIA n. another name for the medical condition polycythaemia vera, also ERYTHREMIA.
FILAMENTARYfilamentary adj. Of, pertaining to, containing or resembling a filament or filaments.
FILAMENTARY adj. like a filament.
GAMETICALLYgametically adv. In terms of gametes.
GAMETIC adv. of or like a gamete, also GAMETAL.
INANIMATELYinanimately adv. In an inanimate manner.
INANIMATE adv. not alive.
LEIOMYOMATAleiomyomata n. Plural of leiomyoma.
LEIOMYOMA n. a fibrous tumour, a fibroid.
LIGAMENTARYligamentary adj. Of or relating to ligaments.
LIGAMENTARY adj. of or like a ligament, also LIGAMENTAL, LIGAMENTOUS.
MATERIALITYmateriality n. The quality of being material; having a physical existence.
materiality n. (Law) The quality of being of consequence to a legal decision.
MATERIALITY n. the state of being material.
MAYORALTIESmayoralties n. Plural of mayoralty.
MAYORALTY n. the office, or the term of office, of a mayor.
METANALYSISmetanalysis n. Analysis of analyses.
metanalysis n. (Linguistics) The act of breaking down a word or phrase into segments or meanings not original to it;…
METANALYSIS n. incorrect placement of 'n' at the start of a word following an indefinite article.
MISTAKEABLYmistakeably adv. Alternative form of mistakably.
MISTAKEABLE adv. liable to be mistaken, also MISTAKABLE.
MYASTHENIASmyasthenias n. Plural of myasthenia.
MYASTHENIA n. muscular weakness or debility.
TAMEABILITYtameability n. The quality of being tameable.
TAMEABILITY n. the quality of being tameable, also TAMABILITY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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