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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, E, G, I, R and U

ADMEASURINGadmeasuring v. Present participle of admeasure.
ADMEASURE v. to measure.
AGUARDIENTEaguardiente n. A kind of brandy made in Spain and Portugal.
aguardiente n. A strong alcoholic drink, especially pulque, found in Central and South America as well as the southwestern…
AGUARDIENTE n. (Spanish) a kind of Spanish or Portuguese brandy.
ARBITRAGEURarbitrageur n. (Finance) One who engages in arbitrage, such as a financial broker or an investment bank.
ARBITRAGEUR n. one who makes profit by dealing on the stock exchange, also ARBITRAGER.
EQUIANGULARequiangular adj. (Geometry) Of a polygon, having all interior angles equal. This is not necessarily a regular polygon…
EQUIANGULAR adj. having equal angles.
GAULTHERIASgaultherias n. Plural of gaultheria.
GAULTHERIA n. a genus of ericaceous shrubs with evergreen foliage, and, often, edible berries.
GRANULATIVEGRANULATIVE adj. related to granulation.
INAUGURATEDinaugurated v. Past participle of inaugurate.
INAUGURATE v. to invest with office.
INAUGURATESinaugurates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inaugurate.
INAUGURATE v. to invest with office.
MARGUERITASMARGUERITA n. a mixed drink consisting of tequila and lemon juice, also MARGARITA.
MARIVAUDAGEmarivaudage n. (Literary) A writing style characterized by an affectation of refinement, originating from the writing…
MARIVAUDAGE n. preciosity in literary style or expression.
OUTMARRIAGEoutmarriage n. Marrying outside one’s own ethnic, religious, or social group.
OUTMARRIAGE n. marriage outside the social group.
REACTUATINGreactuating v. Present participle of reactuate.
REACTUATE v. to actuate again.
REVALUATINGrevaluating v. Present participle of revaluate.
REVALUATE v. to evaluate again.
TRIANGULATEtriangulate v. To locate by means of triangulation.
triangulate v. To pit two others against each other in order to achieve a desired outcome or to gain an advantage;…
triangulate adj. Triangular.
UNGUENTARIAunguentaria n. Plural of unguentarium.
UNGUENTARIUM n. a vessel for holding unguents.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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