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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, E, G, 2I and M

ANISOGAMIESANISOGAMY n. union between markedly different gametes e.g. as egg and sperm, as in humans.
DEAMINATINGdeaminating v. Present participle of deaminate.
DEAMINATE v. to remove the amino acid from a compound.
DIAMAGNETICdiamagnetic adj. (Physics) Exhibiting diamagnetism; repelled by a magnet.
diamagnetic n. Any substance that exhibits diamagnetism.
DIAMAGNETIC adj. applied to any substance of which a rod suspended between the poles of a magnet arranges itself across the lines of force, as opposed to paramagnetic.
ENIGMATICALenigmatical adj. Pertaining to an enigma; enigmatic; mysterious.
ENIGMATICAL adj. puzzling, mysterious, also ENIGMATIC.
IMAGINARIESimaginaries n. Plural of imaginary.
IMAGINARY n. an imaginary quantity or expression.
IMAGINATIVEimaginative adj. Having a lively or creative imagination.
imaginative adj. Tending to be fanciful or inventive.
imaginative adj. False or imagined.
IMMARGINATEimmarginate adj. (Botany) Not having a distinctive margin or border.
IMMARGINATE adj. without a distinct margin.
INMARRIAGESinmarriages n. Plural of inmarriage.
INMARRIAGE n. endogamy.
MAGISTERIALmagisterial adj. Befitting the status or skill of a magister or master; authoritative, masterly.
magisterial adj. Of or pertaining to a master, magistrate, the magisterium, or one in authority.
magisterial adj. Pertaining to, produced by, or of the nature of, magistery.
MAGNETICIANmagnetician n. One versed in the science of magnetism; a magnetist.
MAGNETICIAN n. a scientist specialising in magnetism.
MAGNIFIABLEmagnifiable adj. That can be magnified, or extolled.
magnifiable adj. Capable of being magnified, or made to appear larger.
MAGNIFIABLE adj. that can be magnified.
MARGINALISEmarginalise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of marginalize.
MARGINALISE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALIZE.
MARGINALIZEmarginalize v. (Transitive) To relegate (something, especially a topic or a group of people) to the margins or to a…
MARGINALIZE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALISE.
MEGAVITAMINmegavitamin adj. Involving megadoses of vitamins.
MEGAVITAMIN n. relating to or consisting of very large doses of vitamins.
MISCARRIAGEmiscarriage n. (Now rare except in miscarriage of justice) A failure; a mistake or error.
miscarriage n. (Medicine) The spontaneous natural termination of a pregnancy, especially before it is viable; the fatal…
MISCARRIAGE n. the act of giving birth spontaneously to a fetus too premature to survive.
MISMARRIAGEmismarriage n. Bad or unsuitable marriage.
MISMARRIAGE n. an unsuitable marriage.
REANIMATINGreanimating v. Present participle of reanimate.
REANIMATE v. to bring back to life.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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